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Approximating Minimum Bounded Degree Spanning Trees to within One of Optimal

Published: 02 March 2015 Publication History


In the Minimum Bounded Degree Spanning Tree problem, we are given an undirected graph G = (V, E) with a degree upper bound Bv on each vertex vV, and the task is to find a spanning tree of minimum cost that satisfies all the degree bounds. Let OPT be the cost of an optimal solution to this problem. In this article we present a polynomial-time algorithm which returns a spanning tree T of cost at most OPT and dT(v) ≤ Bv + 1 for all v, where dT(v) denotes the degree of v in T. This generalizes a result of Fürer and Raghavachari [1994] to weighted graphs, and settles a conjecture of Goemans [2006] affirmatively. The algorithm generalizes when each vertex v has a degree lower bound Av and a degree upper bound Bv, and returns a spanning tree with cost at most OPT and Av - 1 ≤ dT(v) ≤ Bv + 1 for all vV. This is essentially the best possible. The main technique used is an extension of the iterative rounding method introduced by Jain [2001] for the design of approximation algorithms.


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cover image Journal of the ACM
Journal of the ACM  Volume 62, Issue 1
February 2015
264 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 02 March 2015
Accepted: 01 April 2014
Revised: 01 February 2014
Received: 01 April 2013
Published in JACM Volume 62, Issue 1


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  1. Approximation algorithms
  2. bounded degree
  3. iterative rounding
  4. spanning trees


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