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Navigation and interaction in a real-scale digital mock-up using natural language and user gesture

Published: 09 April 2014 Publication History


This paper tries to demonstrate a very new real-scale 3D system and sum up some firsthand and cutting edge results concerning multi-modal navigation and interaction interfaces. This work is part of the CALLISTO-SARI collaborative project. It aims at constructing an immersive room, developing a set of software tools and some navigation/interaction interfaces. Two sets of interfaces will be introduced here: 1) interaction devices, 2) natural language (speech processing) and user gesture. The survey on this system using subjective observation (Simulator Sickness Questionnaire, SSQ) and objective measurements (Center of Gravity, COG) shows that using natural languages and gesture-based interfaces induced less cyber-sickness comparing to device-based interfaces. Therefore, gesture-based is more efficient than device-based interfaces.


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VRIC '14: Proceedings of the 2014 Virtual Reality International Conference
April 2014
193 pages
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  • Laval Virtual: Laval Virtual


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 09 April 2014


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Author Tags

  1. full-scale immersive 3D system
  2. gesture perception
  3. interaction/navigation interfaces
  4. real-time signal processing
  5. speech processing


  • Research-article

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VRIC '14
  • Laval Virtual


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