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10.1145/2608628.2608644acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesissacConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Essentially optimal interactive certificates in linear algebra

Published: 23 July 2014 Publication History


Certificates to a linear algebra computation are additional data structures for each output, which can be used by a---possibly randomized---verification algorithm that proves the correctness of each output. The certificates are essentially optimal if the time (and space) complexity of verification is essentially linear in the input size N, meaning N times a factor No(1), i.e., a factor Nη(N) with limN → ∞ η(N) = 0.
We give algorithms that compute essentially optimal certificates for the positive semidefiniteness, Frobenius form, characteristic and minimal polynomial of an n × n dense integer matrix A. Our certificates can be verified in Monte-Carlo bit complexity (n2 log ||A||)1+o(1), where log ||A|| is the bit size of the integer entries, solving an open problem in [Kaltofen, Nehring, Saunders, Proc. ISSAC 2011] subject to computational hardness assumptions.
Second, we give algorithms that compute certificates for the rank of sparse or structured n × n matrices over an abstract field, whose Monte Carlo verification complexity is 2 matrix-times-vector products + n1+o(1) arithmetic operations in the field. For example, if the n × n input matrix is sparse with n1+o(1) non-zero entries, our rank certificate can be verified in n1+o(1) field operations. This extends also to integer matrices with only an extra log ||A||1+o(1) factor.
All our certificates are based on interactive verification protocols with the interaction removed by a Fiat-Shamir identification heuristic. The validity of our verification procedure is subject to standard computational hardness assumptions from cryptography.


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  1. Essentially optimal interactive certificates in linear algebra



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    cover image ACM Other conferences
    ISSAC '14: Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
    July 2014
    444 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 23 July 2014


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    1. Σ-protocols
    2. interactive certificate
    3. matrix characteristic polynomial
    4. matrix rank
    5. output validation
    6. positive semidefiniteness
    7. probabilistic proof
    8. randomization


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