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10.1145/2593702.2593716acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicseConference Proceedingsconference-collections

How social software supports cooperative practices in a globally distributed software project

Published: 02 June 2014 Publication History


In Global Software Development (GSD), the lack of face- to-face communication is a major challenge and effective computer-mediated practices are necessary. This paper analyzes cooperative practices supported by Social Software (SoSo) in a GSD student project. The empirical results show that the role of SoSo is to support informal communication, enabling social talks and metawork, both necessary for establishing and for maintaining effective coordination mechanisms, thus successful cooperation.


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James M. Perry

Software development projects utilize cooperative practices that depend on the effective coordination of individual activities. Software processes, methods, and tools support coordination, but are not sufficient. This paper shows how social protocols and informal relationships are necessary and demonstrates the role that social software (SoSo) can have in enabling global software development (GSD) shared coordination practices. Communication plays a key role in establishing and maintaining these social protocols. While face-to-face communication is a primary form of communication in co-located software development, it is lacking or greatly limited in GSD. This paper presents empirical results on the relationship of coordination mechanisms, social protocols, and communication genres, and the role of social software in enabling social protocols. The paper describes a GSD case study that used social software to provide several forms of web communication genres. These complemented the software support tools used on the project and supported the evolution of social protocols for establishing coordination practices. The authors analyzed GSD artifacts to understand the role of social software in the negotiation and institutionalization of coordination and communication mechanisms. This well-written paper describes a sound methodology for the case study, and presents an informative analysis and interesting discussion of results, limitations, and future work. The paper is of interest to GSD developers and to those interested in social software; from a broad perspective, it is applicable to any distributed cooperative activity that depends on evolving shared practices, informal relationships, socialization, and a “negotiated project culture.” Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Conferences
CHASE 2014: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering
June 2014
132 pages
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  • TCSE: IEEE Computer Society's Tech. Council on Software Engin.


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 02 June 2014


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Author Tags

  1. Articulation Work
  2. Communicative Genres
  3. Coordination Mechanisms
  4. Global Software Development
  5. Metawork
  6. Social Software
  7. Socialization


  • Article


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