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10.1145/2517312.2517320acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesccsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Approaches to adversarial drift

Published: 04 November 2013 Publication History


In this position paper, we argue that to be of practical interest, a machine-learning based security system must engage with the human operators beyond feature engineering and instance labeling to address the challenge of drift in adversarial environments. We propose that designers of such systems broaden the classification goal into an explanatory goal, which would deepen the interaction with system's operators.
To provide guidance, we advocate for an approach based on maintaining one classifier for each class of unwanted activity to be filtered. We also emphasize the necessity for the system to be responsive to the operators constant curation of the training set. We show how this paradigm provides a property we call isolation and how it relates to classical causative attacks.
In order to demonstrate the effects of drift on a binary classification task, we also report on two experiments using a previously unpublished malware data set where each instance is timestamped according to when it was seen.


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AISec '13: Proceedings of the 2013 ACM workshop on Artificial intelligence and security
November 2013
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 04 November 2013


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  1. adversarial machine learning
  2. concept drift
  3. malware classification


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