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Cell-based snapshot and continuous data collection in wireless sensor networks

Published: 23 July 2013 Publication History


Data collection is a common operation of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The performance of data collection can be measured by its achievable network capacity. However, most existing works focus on the network capacity of unicast, multicast or/and broadcast. In this article, we study the snapshot/continuous data collection (SDC/CDC) problem under the physical interference model for randomly deployed dense WSNs. For SDC, we propose a Cell-Based Path Scheduling (CBPS) algorithm based on network partitioning. Theoretical analysis shows that its achievable network capacity is order-optimal. For CDC, a novel Segment-Based Pipeline Scheduling (SBPS) algorithm is proposed which combines the pipeline technique and the compressive data gathering technique. Theoretical analysis shows that SBPS significantly speeds up the CDC process and achieves a high network capacity.


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    ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks  Volume 9, Issue 4
    July 2013
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    Published: 23 July 2013
    Accepted: 01 September 2012
    Revised: 01 July 2012
    Received: 01 April 2012
    Published in TOSN Volume 9, Issue 4


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