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Global analysis of constraint logic programs

Published: 01 September 1996 Publication History


This article presents and illustrates a practical approach to the dataflow analysis of constraint logic programming languages using abstract interpretation. It is first argued that, from the framework point of view, it suffices to propose relatively simple extensions of traditional analysis methods which have already been proved useful and practical and for which efficient fixpoint algorithms exist. This is shown by proposing a simple extension of Bruynooghe's traditional framework which allows it to analyze constraint logic programs. Then, and using this generalized framework, two abstract domains and their required abstract functions are presented: the first abstract domain approximates definiteness information and the second one freeness. Finally, an approach for combining those domains is proposed. The two domains and their combination have been implemented and used in the analysis of CLP(R) and Prolog-III applications. Results form this implementation showing its performance and accuracy are also presented.

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Gunther W. Schmidt

The aim of this paper is to relate the expressive power of constraint logic programming, using abstract interpretation, to the efficiency of more classical logic programming techniques. The background and notation of constraint logic programming are presented in an easily readable form with examples. The Galois connection of abstraction and concretization is presented, together with concepts of insertion and approximation. The authors then show that the standard abstract interpretation framework for logic programs is—under certain generalizations—useful for the analysis of constraint logic programs as well. In a rather technical way, they deal with inference on definiteness as well as on freeness information. Finally, they combine the information gathered both ways. The paper ends with a broad presentation of experimental results on standard benchmarks, including eight large tables.

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cover image ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  Volume 18, Issue 5
Sept. 1996
129 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 September 1996
Published in TOPLAS Volume 18, Issue 5


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  1. abstract interpretation
  2. constraint logic programming
  3. global program analysis
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