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A reuse approach based on object orientation: its contributions in the development of CASE tools

Published: 01 August 1995 Publication History


The aim of this paper is to present an approach to facilitate reuse. This approach, which is based on an object oriented design method, describes a way of structuring components and reuse library.
Two concepts, domain and theme, are introduced to allow a classification of components by the services that they offer and by application domain. The library itself is organized in three hierarchical levels -general, dedicated and personal-, where the reusable components are stored according to their degree of “interest” (general interest, by application type or particular). So, the library is generic and could cluster various reusable component types (specification components, design components, packages,…).
The contributions of this approach in the development of CASE tools are also emphasized.


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cover image ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes  Volume 20, Issue SI
Aug. 1995
257 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
  • cover image ACM Conferences
    SSR '95: Proceedings of the 1995 Symposium on Software reusability
    August 1995
    284 pages
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Published: 01 August 1995
Published in SIGSOFT Volume 20, Issue SI

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