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Distributed, scalable routing based on link-state vectors

Published: 01 October 1994 Publication History


A new family of routing algorithms for the distributed maintenance of routing information in large networks and internets is introduced. This family is called link vector algorithms (LVA), and is based on the selective diffusion of link-state information based on the distributed computation of preferred paths, rather than on the flooding of complete link-state information based on the distributed computation of preferred paths, rather than on the flooding of complete link-state information to all routers. According to LVA, each router maintains a subset of the topology that corresponds to the links used by its neighbor routers in their preferred paths to known destinations. Based on that subset of topology information, the router derives its own preferred paths and communicates the corresponding link-state information to its neighbors. An update message contains a vector of updates; each such update specifies a link and its parameters. LVAs can be used for different types of routing. The correctness of LVA is verified for arbitrary types of routing when correct and deterministic algorithms are used to select preferred paths at each router. LVA is shown to have smaller complexity than link-state and distance-vector algorithms, and to have better average performance than the ideal topology-broadcast algorithm and the distributed Bellman-Ford algorithm.


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Jeffrey David Oldham

The authors introduce link vector algorithms for routing in large networks. Each router executing a link-vector algorithm maintains information about preferred paths to all other network routers rather than maintaining information about all links in the network. Thus, router storage and communication requirements are less than for distance-vector and link-state algorithms. To construct its set of preferred paths, a source router requests the preferred paths of all neighboring routers and then uses a path-selection algorithm such as shortest-path routing. When a link's performance parameters (for example, congestion level or availability) change enough to affect routing, the adjacent nodes notify their neighbors of all changes to their sets of preferred paths. Each router that changes its set of preferred paths continues propagating the information. The authors compare their algorithms with existing algorithms for routing in a distributed network and present a pseudocode implementation. After proving that every router receives recent link-state information and that the routing tables do not contain loops, they show that the communication, time, and router storage complexity are bounded by the complexity of current router algorithms. The paper ends with limited results from a simulation. This well-written paper omits discussion of whether the algorithm prevents oscillations in path preference. The authors need to conduct more extensive simulations to validate the effectiveness of the routing algorithms . A succinct discussion of existing router algorithms motivates the link vector algorithms while assisting readers less familiar with routing. The algorithmic analysis uses a minimum of mathematical notation.

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cover image ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review  Volume 24, Issue 4
Oct. 1994
318 pages
  • Editor:
  • David Oran
Issue’s Table of Contents
  • cover image ACM Conferences
    SIGCOMM '94: Proceedings of the conference on Communications architectures, protocols and applications
    October 1994
    328 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 October 1994
Published in SIGCOMM-CCR Volume 24, Issue 4

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