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Formal aspects of concurrency control in long-duration transaction systems using the NT/PV model

Published: 01 September 1994 Publication History


In the typical database system, an execution is correct if it is equivalent to some serial execution. This criterion, called serializability, is unacceptable for new database applications which require long-duration transactions. We present a new transaction model which allows correctness criteria more suitable for these applications. This model combines three enhancements to the standard model: nested transactions, explicit predicates, and multiple versions. These features yield the name of the new model, nested transactions with predicates and versions, or NT/PV.
The modular nature of the NT/PV model allows a straightforward representation of simple systems. It also provides a formal framework for describing complex interactions. The most complex interactions the model allows can be captured by a protocol which exploits all of the semantics available to the NT/PV model. An example of these interactions is shown in a CASE application. The example shows how a system based on the NT/PV model is superior to both standard database techniques and unrestricted systems in both correctness and performance.


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Fred J. Maryanski

Long-duration transactions require criteria beyond serializability to ensure the correctness of an execution. Korth and Speegle's NT/PV model utilizes nested transactions, explicit predicates, and multiple versions to represent the semantics of long-duration transactions. The model defines correctness by imposing restrictions on the executions of transactions. The VPC protocol for correct executions uses partial ordering to create a version set that a transaction may access. Under VPC, transactions satisfy user-supplied correctness predicates and do not commit until all subtransactions terminate. The authors provide a proof of correctness and illustrate the operation of the protocol via an extensive hypothetical example. This work builds on prior research in the area in a coherent manner and appears to present a firm foundation for integration into a complete DBMS.

Özgür Ulusoy

A transaction model is presented that provides a basis for developing new correctness criteria that allow more concurrency for long-duration transactions than the traditional serializability criterion. The proposed transaction model, called the NT/PV model, incorporates three semantic enhancements to the standard model: nested transactions, explicit predicates, and multiple versions. These enhancements enable the model to capture the semantics of long-duration transaction systems. Following a formal presentation of the NT/PV model, the authors show that the features found in multilevel transaction frameworks and predicate-based systems are combined in this model. A concurrency control protocol that allows only NT/PV-correct executions is provided and proven to be correct. The paper also provides a detailed example from the cooperative software design field that fully exploits the NT/PV model. The paper is a good piece of theoretical work. It is well organized and quite readable for researchers familiar with the theory of concurrency control. The list of citations is also helpful. I recommend this paper to anyone interested in transaction processing in database systems.

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cover image ACM Transactions on Database Systems
ACM Transactions on Database Systems  Volume 19, Issue 3
Sept. 1994
169 pages
  • Editor:
  • Won Kim
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 September 1994
Published in TODS Volume 19, Issue 3


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