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Using the run-time sizes of data structures to guide parallel-thread creation

Published: 01 July 1994 Publication History


Dynamic granularity estimation is a new technique for automatically identifying expressions in functional languages for parallel evaluation. Expressions with little computation relative to thread-creation costs should evaluate sequentially for maximum performance. Static identification of such threads is however difficult. Therefore, dynamic granularity estimation has compile-time and run-time components: Abstract interpretation statically identifies functions whose complexity depends on data structure sizes; the run-time system maintains approximations to these sizes. Compiler-inserted checks consult this size information to make thread creation decisions dynamically.
We describe dynamic granularity estimation for a list-based functional language. Extension to general recursive data structures and imperative operations is possible. Performance measurements of dynamic granularity estimation in a parallel ML implementation on a shared-memory machine demonstrate the possibility of large reductions (>20%) in execution time.


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David B. Skillicorn

The overhead of spawning a new task to compute some expression in a functional language is often high. It is therefore important to know that the amount of work that the spawned task will do is enough to cover the costs of its creation, initial setup, and destruction. The proposed solution uses a combination of abstract interpretation at compile time, to find those places where complexity depends on the size of data structures, and runtime approximation of the actual sizes of data structures as computation proceeds. Results using a functional language on a shared-memory parallel computer show execution time reductions as large as 20 percent. The actual data structures used are cons lists. I remain mystified by the continual appearance of a data structure so inherently sequential in functional languages intended for parallel execution. Cons lists are relatively easy to analyze, but they are not very useful for solving problems in parallel. As the authors point out, their idea extends to more useful data structures, such as join lists and trees, but it becomes much more complex. Its actual performance on richer data structures remains an open question. Surprisingly, the authors do not discuss the large body of European work on compilation of functional languages for parallelism. Many systems have actually been built, so their designers must have faced up to the issue of subtask creation. Indeed some, such as Flagship and Grip, have had to do it for distributed-memory targets, where the costs are correspondingly higher. A comparison of the present result with existing techniques would have strengthened the paper.

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Published In

cover image ACM SIGPLAN Lisp Pointers
ACM SIGPLAN Lisp Pointers  Volume VII, Issue 3
July-Sept. 1994
327 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
  • cover image ACM Conferences
    LFP '94: Proceedings of the 1994 ACM conference on LISP and functional programming
    July 1994
    327 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 July 1994
Published in SIGPLAN-LISPPOINTERS Volume VII, Issue 3

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