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High resolution passive facial performance capture

Published: 26 July 2010 Publication History


We introduce a purely passive facial capture approach that uses only an array of video cameras, but requires no template facial geometry, no special makeup or markers, and no active lighting. We obtain initial geometry using multi-view stereo, and then use a novel approach for automatically tracking texture detail across the frames. As a result, we obtain a high-resolution sequence of compatibly triangulated and parameterized meshes. The resulting sequence can be rendered with dynamically captured textures, while also consistently applying texture changes such as virtual makeup.

Supplementary Material

JPG File (tp049-10.jpg)
Supplemental material. (
Final-MainVideo.mp4 - the main paper video. Final-Additional.mp4 - Video of additional material.
MP4 File (tp049-10.mp4)


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ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 29, Issue 4
July 2010
942 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 26 July 2010
Published in TOG Volume 29, Issue 4


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  1. face reconstruction
  2. markerless motion capture
  3. performance capture


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