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A theory of typed coercions and its applications

Published: 31 August 2009 Publication History


A number of important program rewriting scenarios can be recast as type-directed coercion insertion. These range from more theoretical applications such as coercive subtyping and supporting overloading in type theories, to more practical applications such as integrating static and dynamically typed code using gradual typing, and inlining code to enforce security policies such as access control and provenance tracking. In this paper we give a general theory of type-directed coercion insertion. We specifically explore the inherent tradeoff between expressiveness and ambiguity--the more powerful the strategy for generating coercions, the greater the possibility of several, semantically distinct rewritings for a given program. We consider increasingly powerful coercion generation strategies, work out example applications supported by the increased power (including those mentioned above), and identify the inherent ambiguity problems of each setting, along with various techniques to tame the ambiguities.

Supplementary Material

JPG File (atheoryoftypedcoercionsanditsapplicationsonvimeo.jpg)
MP4 File (atheoryoftypedcoercionsanditsapplicationsonvimeo.mp4)


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William M. Waite

The report on ALGOL 68 [1] introduced the term "coercion" to describe an implicit change of mode. For example, if x is an ALGOL 68 integer variable, then it has mode "ref integer." In the expression x +1, however, the operator requires operands of mode integer. Rather than requiring the programmer to explicitly change the mode of x , the language definition implies a mode change on the basis of context. In effect, the compiler is allowed to insert an operation not specified by the programmer. For many situations, the concept of implicit operations inserted by a processor is useful. This paper provides a theory that covers a wide variety of such applications, and explores the tradeoff between expressiveness and ambiguity, which are inherent to these applications. Although the paper is clearly written and includes relevant examples to illustrate the concepts, readers must be familiar with lambda calculus and the notations used for grammars and type-checking rules. The theory is stated in terms of rewriting systems for the simply typed lambda calculus that is based on sets of coercion generation and coercion insertion rules. For each system, Swamy, Hicks, and Bierman indicate the conditions under which the rewriting will be unambiguous. Overload resolution provides a simple example that has both ambiguous and unambiguous solutions, with the ambiguous solution offering certain practical advantages. Although there is a general mechanism for solving the ambiguity in this case, it lies beyond the scope of the paper. Despite such limitations, thoughtful compiler writers will find much to mull over in this paper. Online Computing Reviews Service

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Published In

cover image ACM SIGPLAN Notices
ACM SIGPLAN Notices  Volume 44, Issue 9
ICFP '09
September 2009
343 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
  • cover image ACM Conferences
    ICFP '09: Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming
    August 2009
    364 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 31 August 2009
Published in SIGPLAN Volume 44, Issue 9

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Author Tags

  1. coercion insertion
  2. gradual typing
  3. nonambiguity
  4. provenance
  5. type-directed translation


  • Research-article


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