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10.1145/1593105.1593221acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesacm-seConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Induction as a tool for conceptual coherence in computer science

Published: 28 March 2008 Publication History


Induction is central to many areas of computer science (CS) such as data structures, theory of computation, programming languages, program correctness/verification, and program efficiency. In this paper, I discuss the role of induction in the current CS curriculum and its applications in some of the above areas. I also shed some light on "hidden" applications of structural induction, and I demonstrate how induction can be used as a tool for conceptual coherence in CS. Proofs by induction are currently taught independently of their CS applications and as a "recipe" to be followed, without explaining the role of each ingredient. Moreover, there is no unified framework for induction throughout the CS curriculum, which I argue that is necessary for students to gain conceptual understanding.


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ACMSE '08: Proceedings of the 46th annual ACM Southeast Conference
March 2008
548 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 28 March 2008


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  1. computer science education
  2. proofs by induction
  3. structural induction
  4. undergraduate computer science curricula


  • Research-article

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ACM SE08: ACM Southeast Regional Conference
March 28 - 29, 2008
Alabama, Auburn

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