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Overload traffic management for sensor networks

Published: 01 October 2007 Publication History


There is a critical need for new thinking regarding overload traffic management in sensor networks. It has now become clear that experimental sensor networks (e.g., mote networks) and their applications commonly experience periods of persistent congestion and high packet loss, and in some cases even congestion collapse. This significantly impacts application fidelity measured at the physical sinks, even under light to moderate traffic loads, and is a direct product of the funneling effect; that is, the many-to-one multihop traffic pattern that characterizes sensor network communications. Existing congestion control schemes are effective at mitigating congestion through rate control and packet drop mechanisms, but do so at the cost of significantly reducing application fidelity measured at the sinks. To address this problem we propose to exploit the availability of a small number of all wireless, multiradio virtual sinks that can be randomly distributed or selectively placed across the sensor field. Virtual sinks are capable of siphoning off data events from regions of the sensor field that are beginning to show signs of high traffic load. In this paper, we present the design, implementation, and evaluation of Siphon, a set of fully distributed algorithms that support virtual sink discovery and selection, congestion detection, and traffic redirection in sensor networks. Siphon is based on a Stargate implementation of virtual sinks that uses a separate longer range radio network (based on IEEE 802.11) to siphon events to one or more physical sinks, and a short-range mote radio to interact with the sensor field at siphon points. Results from analysis, simulation and an experimental 48 Mica2 mote testbed show that virtual sinks can scale mote networks by effectively managing growing traffic demands while minimizing any negative impact on application fidelity. Additionally, we show the scheme is competitive with respect to energy consumption compared to a network composed of only motes.


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      cover image ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
      ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks  Volume 3, Issue 4
      October 2007
      148 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 01 October 2007
      Published in TOSN Volume 3, Issue 4


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