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Automated theorem proving: mapping logic into AI

Published: 01 December 1986 Publication History


Logic can be defined as the formal study of reasoning; if we replace “formal” by “mechanical” we can place almost the entire set of methodologies used in the field of automated theorem proving (ATP) within the scope of logic. Because of the goals of ATP, if not always the methodologies, ATP has been considered to be within the domain of AI. We explore the methodologies of ATP, including the logics that underlie the theorem provers, and discuss some of the mechanisms that utilize these logics. These include term rewriting systems, mathematical induction, inductionless induction and even mixed integer programming. The ATP field, via resolution, has even provided the foundation for an exciting AI and database programming language, PROLOG. We conclude with a new method for extending the PROLOG system to work with non-Horn clause sets within a positive logic format, particularly simple for “slightly non-Horn” clause sets.


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cover image ACM Conferences
ISMIS '86: Proceedings of the ACM SIGART international symposium on Methodologies for intelligent systems
December 1986
450 pages
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Published: 01 December 1986


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