FAST-OS: forum to address scalable technology for runtime and operating systems
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- FAST-OS: forum to address scalable technology for runtime and operating systems
NTU TRECVID-2007 fast rushes summarization system
TVS '07: Proceedings of the international workshop on TRECVID video summarizationRushes are the raw materials used to produce a video. They often contain redundant and repetitive contents. Rushes summarization aims to provide a quick overview for a rushes video. As part of TRECVID 2007, NIST initiates a rushes summarization task. ...
Effective and Fast Face Recognition System Using Complementary OC-LBP and HOG Feature Descriptors With SVM Classifier
Selection and implementation of a face descriptor that is both discriminative and computationally efficient is crucial. Local Binary Patterns LBP and Histogram of Oriented Gradients HOG have been proven effective for face recognition. LBPs are fast to ...
Rotation-invariant fast features for large-scale recognition and real-time tracking
We present an end-to-end feature description pipeline which uses a novel interest point detector and rotation-invariant fast feature (RIFF) descriptors. The proposed RIFF algorithm is 15x faster than SURF [1] while producing large-scale retrieval ...
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- SIGARCH: ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture
- IEEE-CS: Computer Society
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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