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The design and implementation of the MRRR algorithm

Published: 01 December 2006 Publication History


In the 1990's, Dhillon and Parlett devised the algorithm of multiple relatively robust representations (MRRR) for computing numerically orthogonal eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix T with O(n2) cost. While previous publications related to MRRR focused on theoretical aspects of the algorithm, a documentation of software issues has been missing. In this article, we discuss the design and implementation of the new MRRR version STEGR that will be included in the next LAPACK release. By giving an algorithmic description of MRRR and identifying governing parameters, we hope to make STEGR more easily accessible and suitable for future performance tuning. Furthermore, this should help users understand design choices and tradeoffs when using the code.


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Jesse Louis Barlow

The multiple relatively robust representation (MRRR) algorithm is a long, detailed answer to the question of how to find the eigenvectors of an n × n symmetric tridiagonal matrix T given its computed eigenvalues. In theory, inverse iteration should yield these eigenvectors in O(n2) operations, but the eigenvectors of clustered eigenvalues may not come out orthogonal without, say, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization [1]. For an n × n matrix T, MRRR avoids Gram-Schmidt in computing the eigenvectors of how it represents the shifted matrix T-λ I for inverse iteration. It stores the factorization T - λ I = LDLT where D and L are either bidiagonal or twisted bidiagonal. MRRR manipulates this factorization using the dqds algorithms [2], making the representation (D,L) very accurate and allowing for fast accurate changes in the shift λ. It also uses a smart initial guess for inverse iteration, and then uses sophisticated shift and recompute strategies (called representation trees) to separate out clusters of eigenvalues. The paper summarizes the literature on MRRR and gives details about its software. Tracking down the items in the bibliography of this paper is necessary for truly understanding MRRR. Since the MRRR algorithm is very complex and the associated analysis is even more complex, its details are for specialists only. For nonspecialists, it is important to understand that these algorithms are a major advance in methods for finding the eigenvectors of symmetric tridiagonals, that the software is available, and that symmetric eigenvalue decompositions and singular value decompositions can now be computed more quickly. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software  Volume 32, Issue 4
December 2006
145 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 December 2006
Published in TOMS Volume 32, Issue 4


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  2. Multiple relatively robust representations
  3. design
  4. eigenvalues
  5. eigenvectors
  6. implementation
  7. numerical software
  8. symmetric matrix


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