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10.1145/1185657.1185775acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessiggraphConference Proceedingsconference-collections

ShapeShop: sketch-based solid modeling with BlobTrees

Published: 30 July 2006 Publication History


Various systems have explored the idea of inferring 3D models from sketched 2D outlines. In all of these systems the underlying modeling methodology limits the complexity of models that can be created interactively. The ShapeShop sketch-based modeling system utilizes Hierarchical Implicit Volume Models (BlobTrees) as an underlying shape representation. The BlobTree framework supports interactive creation of complex, detailed solid models with arbitrary topology. A new technique is described for inflating 2D contours into rounded three-dimensional implicit volumes. Sketch-based modeling operations are defined that combine these basic shapes using standard blending and CSG operators. Since the underlying volume hierarchy is by definition a construction history, individual sketched components can be non-linearly edited and removed. For example, holes can be interactively dragged through a shape. ShapeShop also provides 2D drawing assistance using a new curve-sketching system based on variational contours. A wide range of models can be sketched with ShapeShop, from cartoon-like characters to detailed mechanical parts. Examples are shown which demonstrate significantly higher model complexity than existing systems.


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Published: 30 July 2006


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