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Roadmap for enhanced languages and methods to aid verification

Published: 22 October 2006 Publication History


This roadmap describes ways that researchers in four areas---specification languages, program generation, correctness by construction, and programming languages---might help further the goal of verified software. It also describes what advances the "verified software" grand challenge might anticipate or demand from work in these areas. That is, the roadmap is intended to help foster collaboration between the grand challenge and these research areas.A common goal for research in these areas is to establish language designs and tool architectures that would allow multiple annotations and tools to be used on a single program. In the long term, researchers could try to unify these annotations and integrate such tools.


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  1. Roadmap for enhanced languages and methods to aid verification



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                                                          Association for Computing Machinery

                                                          New York, NY, United States

                                                          Publication History

                                                          Published: 22 October 2006


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                                                          Author Tags

                                                          1. annotations
                                                          2. correctness by construction
                                                          3. program generation
                                                          4. programming languages
                                                          5. specification languages
                                                          6. tools
                                                          7. verification
                                                          8. verified software grand challenge


                                                          • Article


                                                          GPCE06: Generative Programming and Component Engineering 2006
                                                          October 22 - 26, 2006
                                                          Oregon, Portland, USA

                                                          Acceptance Rates

                                                          Overall Acceptance Rate 56 of 180 submissions, 31%


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