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Performance analysis of TLS Web servers

Published: 01 February 2006 Publication History


TLS is the protocol of choice for securing today's e-commerce and online transactions but adding TLS to a Web server imposes a significant overhead relative to an insecure Web server on the same platform. We perform a comprehensive study of the performance costs of TLS. Our methodology is to profile TLS Web servers with trace-driven workloads, replace individual components inside TLS with no-ops, and measure the observed increase in server throughput. We estimate the relative costs of each TLS processing stage, identifying the areas for which future optimizations would be worthwhile. Our results show that while the RSA operations represent the largest performance cost in TLS Web servers, they do not solely account for TLS overhead. RSA accelerators are effective for e-commerce site workloads since they experience low TLS session reuse. Accelerators appear to be less effective for sites where all the requests are handled by a TLS server because they have a higher session reuse rate. In this case, investing in a faster CPU might provide a greater boost in performance. Our experiments show that having a second CPU is at least as useful as an RSA accelerator. Our results seem to suggest that, as CPUs become faster, the cryptographic costs of TLS will become dwarfed by the CPU costs of the nonsecurity aspects of a Web server. Optimizations aimed at general purpose Web servers should continue to be a focus of research and would benefit secure Web servers as well.


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Amos O Olagunju

The analysis of performance costs of security operations in multifaceted secure Web servers is extremely odd. Is it feasible to ascertain an exact model for simulating the behaviors of secure replicated clusters of Web servers with load-balancing switches and backend databases__?__ Is it easy to discern, segregate, and gauge the unique sources of bottlenecks of secure Web servers when inputs and outputs overlap computations in convoluted ways__?__ Transport layer security (TLS) offers abstract secure sockets over transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP) sockets for secure applications such as secure shell connections and secure Web servers. Unfortunately, the TLS protocol supports authentication, data confidentiality, integrity, and interoperability of cryptographic parameters [1] at pricey computation overheads. However, e-commerce sites often use TLS for secure communication to avoid leaking priceless information. The authors study the performance costs of securing Web servers with the TLS protocol. Components of TLS are replaced with no-ops in trace-driven workloads of a profile TLS Web server that is used to investigate factors affecting page-serving throughput. The authors present meticulous discussions of the TLS protocol, platforms, and workload experiments used to investigate performance bottlenecks attributable to RSA operations, session cache, network connection delay, and central processing unit (CPU) latency due to cryptographic operations on packets. The throughput of a secure Web server under diverse circumstances was measured by emulating an ideal hardware accelerator, rather than by micro-benchmarking the CPU time of specific operations. The relative cost of each operation performed by the TLS Web server was projected using Amdahl's Law for speedup. The experimental results expose public key cryptography as the principal performance cost incurred by the TLS Web server. However, the addition of an RSA accelerator to surmount the TLS issues produces a remarkable performance improvement. Although the study does not fully mimic secure enterprise Web sites, the paper provides reliable evidence to endorse the use of high-performance CPUs for reducing TLS overhead, and the use of a dual CPU server (instead of a single CPU server) with an RSA accelerator for exploiting throughput. Online Computing Reviews Service

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ACM Transactions on Computer Systems  Volume 24, Issue 1
February 2006
113 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 February 2006
Published in TOCS Volume 24, Issue 1


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  1. Internet
  2. RSA accelerator
  3. TLS
  4. e-commerce
  5. secure Web servers


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