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Computing almost shortest paths

Published: 01 October 2005 Publication History


We study the <i>s-sources almost shortest paths</i> (abbreviated <i>s-ASP</i>) problem. Given an unweighted graph <i>G</i> &equals; (<i>V,E</i>), and a subset <i>S</i> &sube; <i>V</i> of <i>s</i> nodes, the goal is to compute almost shortest paths between all the pairs of nodes <i>S</i> &times; <i>V</i>. We devise an algorithm with running time <i>O</i>(&mid;<i>E</i>&mid;<i>n</i><sup>&rho;</sup> &plus; <i>s</i> &middot; <i>n</i><sup>1 &plus; &zeta;)</sup> for this problem that computes the paths <i>P</i><sub><i>u,w</i></sub> for all pairs (<i>u,w</i>) &isin; <i>S</i> &times; <i>V</i> such that the length of <i>P</i><sub><i>u,w</i></sub> is at most (1 &plus; &epsi;) <i>d</i><sub><i>G</i></sub>(<i>u,w</i>) &plus; &beta;(&zeta;,&rho;,&epsi;), and &beta;(&zeta;,&rho;,&epsi;) is constant when &zeta;, &rho;, and &epsi; are arbitrarily small constants.
We also devise a distributed protocol for the <i>s</i>-ASP problem that computes the paths <i>P</i><inf><i>u,w</i></inf> as above, and has time and communication complexities of <i>O</i>(<i>s</i> &middot; <i>Diam(G)</i> &plus; <i>n</i><sup>1 &plus; &zeta;/2</sup>) (respectively, <i>O</i>(<i>s</i> &middot; <i>Diam(G)</i> log<sup>3</sup> <i>n</i> &plus; <i>n</i><sup>1 &plus; &zeta;/2</sup> log <i>n</i>)) and <i>O</i>(&mid;<i>E</i>&mid; <i>n</i><sup>&rho;</sup> &plus; <i>s</i> &middot; <i>n</i><sup>1 &plus; &zeta;)</sup> (respectively, <i>O</i>(&mid;<i>E</i>&mid; <i>n</i><sup>&rho;</sup> &plus; <i>s</i> &middot; <i>n</i><sup>1 &plus; &zeta;</sup> &plus; <i>n</i><sup>1 &plus; &rho; &plus; &zeta;(&rho; &minus; &zeta;/2)/2)) in the synchronous (respectively asynchronous) setting.
Our sequential algorithm, as well as the distributed protocol, is based on a novel algorithm for constructing (1 &plus; &epsi;, &beta;(&zeta;,&rho;, &epsi;))-spanners of size <i>O</i>(<i>n</i><sup>1 &plus; &zeta;</sup>), developed in this article. This algorithm has running time of <i>O</i>(&mid;<i>E</i>&mid; <i>n</i><sup>&rho;</sup>), which is significantly faster than the previously known algorithm given in Elkin and Peleg [2001], whose running time is <i>&Otilde;</i>(<i>n</i><sup>2 &plus; &rho;</sup>). We also develop the first distributed protocol for constructing (1 &plus; &epsi;,&beta;)-spanners. The communication complexity of this protocol is near optimal.


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Burkhard Englert

Computing the shortest paths between all vertices in a graph is a very important problem. It has many applications and can be used to solve problems like network routing, where the goal is to find the shortest path for data packets to take through a switching network. It is also used in more general search algorithms for a variety of problems, ranging from automated circuit layout to speech recognition. Algorithms that solve this problem generally involve nontrivial matrix multiplication, and as a result are impractical since their time complexities involve huge constants. Moreover, the currently best-known time complexity of algorithms of this type is O(n ^ 2.376), where n is the number of vertices in the graph. Often, approximations are cheaper to compute than exact values. In the s-sources almost shortest path (s-ASP) problem, given an unweighted, undirected graph G=(V, E) and a subset S of V of s sources, the goal is to compute paths between all the pairs of nodes (u, w) in S x V. The length of the computed path must be close to the actual distance d(u,w) between the nodes u and w in G, such that the length returned by the algorithm is at most α · d(u,w) + β. Here, α is called the multiplicative term of the error, while β is the additive term. This paper provides an important, new, and more efficient solution to this problem. It begins with a description of the problem, followed by a comparison of the new solution with previous results and a summary. The second and third sections contain the actual technical contributions of the paper. Both begin with overviews of the subsequent constructions. This significantly helps the reader in understanding the protocols. In the second section, a solution of the sequential s-ASP and the all pairs almost shortest path (APASP) problem is presented. The new algorithm has a running time of O(|E| · n ^ __?__ + s · n ^(1+ ζ)) with a multiplicative error of 1+ ε and an additive error of β(ζ,__?__,ε), where β(ζ,__?__,ε) is a constant whenever 0 < ζ,__?__,ε < 1 for arbitrarily small constants ζ,__?__ and ε. Then, in the third part, the first distributed protocol for constructing (1+ε, β) spanners is presented. This protocol has a near optimal communication complexity, and is used to provide a distributed protocol for computing almost shortest paths. Both the second and third parts conclude with an extension of the respective results to weighted graphs. This is by no means an introductory paper about the construction of almost shortest paths. The author uses a multitude of appropriate notations that require the reader's full attention. In the end, however, the reader's patience will be rewarded with a very insightful presentation. Online Computing Reviews Service

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ACM Transactions on Algorithms  Volume 1, Issue 2
October 2005
190 pages
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Published: 01 October 2005
Published in TALG Volume 1, Issue 2


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