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SFCGen: A framework for efficient generation of multi-dimensional space-filling curves by recursion

Published: 01 March 2005 Publication History


Because they are continuous and self-similar, space-filling curves have been widely used in mathematics to transform multi-dimensional problems into one-dimensional forms. For scientific applications, reordering computation by certain space-filling curves can significantly improve data reuse because of the locality properties of these curves. However, when space-filling curves are used in programs for reordering data, traversal or indexing of the curves must be efficient. To address this problem, we present the table-driven framework SFCGen to efficiently generate multi-dimensional space-filling curves on the fly. The framework is general and easy enough to be used in any application that can be partitioned recursively in multiple dimensions. We describe a movement specification table, a universal turtle algorithm to enumerate points along a space-filling curve, a table-based indexing algorithm to transform coordinates of a point into its position along the curve and an algorithm to pregenerate the table automatically. As examples, we show how high-dimensional Hilbert, Morton, and Peano curves and a two-dimensional Sierpiński curve can be generated with our algorithms. We present performance results for Hilbert, Morton, and Peano curves and compare the efficiency of our curve generation algorithm with the most recent work on generating Hilbert curves. Our experimental results on three modern microprocessor-based platforms show that SFCGen performs up to 63% faster than the most recent recursive algorithm on 2D curve generation and up to a factor of 132 faster than two previous byte-oriented non-recursive implementations. On curve indexing, SFCGen performs as much as a factor of three faster than the byte-oriented implementation. Our results on 4D space-filling curves also show that SFCGen scales very well with curve level for higher dimensional spaces.


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  1. SFCGen: A framework for efficient generation of multi-dimensional space-filling curves by recursion



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        cover image ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
        ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software  Volume 31, Issue 1
        March 2005
        185 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 March 2005
        Published in TOMS Volume 31, Issue 1


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