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Together in the Mikrokosmos: Exploring Disabled Embodied Experiences in Designed Sociotechnical Worlds

Published: 08 November 2024 Publication History


For geographically dispersed communities, including professional, academic, hobbyist, and fandom communities, in-person events and meetups play a crucial role in the function and health of the whole community. Building off prior literature, we take a nuanced look at large scale community events that blend online and offline interactions across digital and physical embodied experiences in order to build understanding of how this knowledge can be leveraged to build more accessible hybrid modalities for community events. Building on this foundation, this paper presents a comprehensive study using ethnographic methods to examine large scale community events, specifically stadium music concerts of varying modalities (e.g., in-person, live-streamed). Using a disability lens, we explore how such community events are experienced and technologically mediated, as well as how the community and individuals design and construct their own sociotechnical worlds across multiple modalities and embodied experiences. By centering the disabled embodied experience, we examine how community members navigate the concert environment, time, and the social experience of concert attendance. Based on our findings, we highlight the nuanced complexities of inclusive community-centered large scale, multi-modal events.


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Published: 08 November 2024
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  3. embodied experience
  4. large-scale events
  5. live-streaming
  6. online communities


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