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Enhancing Security-Problem-Based Deep Learning in Mobile Edge Computing

Published: 14 May 2022 Publication History


The implementation of a variety of complex and energy-intensive mobile applications by resource-limited mobile devices (MDs) is a huge challenge. Fortunately, mobile edge computing (MEC) as a new computing paragon can offer rich resources to perform all or part of the MD’s task, which greatly reduces the energy consumption of the MD and improves the quality of service (QoS) for applications. However, offloading tasks to the edge server is vulnerable to attacks such as tampering and snooping, resulting in a deep learning (DL) security feature developed by major cloud service providers. An effective security strategy method to minimize ongoing attacks in the MEC setting is proposed. The algorithm is based on the synthetic principle of a special set of strategies, and it can quickly construct suboptimal solutions even if the number of targets achieves hundreds of millions. In addition, for a given structure and a given number of patrollers, the upper bound of the protection level can be obtained, and the lower bound required for a given protection level can also be inferred. These bounds apply to universal strategies. By comparing with the previous three basic experiments, it can be proved that our algorithm is better than the previous ones in terms of security and running time.


This proof is based on a comprehensive investigation of the even coverage of all targets, where the K-patrollers reflect the importance of each target. From an intuitive perspective, \(T_v\) represents the expected number of visits to v in the subsequent \(t(v)\) step. We fixed a game structure \(\Gamma\) and some patrollers \(k\in N\). Assuming that the existence of \(\eta\) follows standard parameters, then \(\eta\) is the optimal strategy for k patrollers. That is, \(Q=\prod _{v\in V} t(v), \forall 1\le i\le Q\). Assume that \(p_i(v)\) is the probability that v will occur when accessing the ith subset when the defender commits \(\eta\). For each \(1\le i \le Q\), there is \(\sum _{v\in V}P_i(v)=k\) because k patrollers are allocated in each round. Therefore, the sum of all \(P_i(v)\) is equal to \(Q\cdot k\).
\(v\in V, 0\le j\lt Q\), in which j is a multiple of \(t(v)\). Assume \(\zeta\) is the attacker’s strategy such that \(\zeta _{v,j}(w)=v\) for every history w of length j. The general calculation formula is as follows:
\begin{equation} Lev(\eta , \zeta _{v,j})=\alpha (max)-\alpha (v)\cdot \prod _{i=1}^{t(v)}(1-p\cdot P_{(i+j)}). \end{equation}
Let \(T_{v,j}=\sum _{i=1}^{t(v)}P_{i+j}(v)\). Through the analysis of Equation (5), we can see that \(Lev(\eta , \zeta _{v,j})\) is maximized if the values \(P_{i+j}(v)\) satisfy:
\(P_{i+j}(v)=1,\forall i=\left\lbrace 1,\ldots ,\lfloor T_{v,j} \rfloor \right\rbrace\),
\(P_{i+j}(v)=T_{v,j}-\lfloor T_{v,j} \rfloor , \exists i=\lfloor T_{v,j} \rfloor +1\), and
\(P_{i+j}(v)=0, \forall i\gt \lfloor T_{v,j} \rfloor +1\).
The right half of Equation (5) is rewritten as \(\alpha _(max)-\alpha (v)\cdot (1-p)^{\lfloor T_{v,j} \rfloor }\cdot (1-p\cdot (T_{v,j}-\lfloor T_{v,j} \rfloor))\). In the best case, for a given \(v\in V\), when all \(P_i(v)\) are optimally distributed by \(\eta\), all \(T_{v,j}\) are the same, and the same level of protection\(\eta\) is obtained for each vertex(target), so we use \(T_v\) instead of \(T_{v,j}\) to get the system \(\mathcal {L}_{\Gamma }\).
For all \(P_i(v)\)s the sum is equal to \(Q\cdot k\). By reordering these addends, you can rewrite the sum to \(\sum _{v\in V}\frac{Q}{t(v)}\cdot T_v\). So we can obtain \(k=\sum _{v\in V}\frac{T_{v}}{t(v)}\). If \(p=1\), observe that \(0\le T_{v}\le t(v)\), and we have \(0\le T_{v}\le 1\) because there are no meanings to access the same vertex multiple times.
Note here that when considering the system in solving Theorem 1, it may happen that some \(T_v\) becomes negative. If and only if the importance of certain vertices is so low that even if the discriminators do not access them at all, they are better protected than the other vertices (this explains why the sum \(\sum _{v\in V, T(v)\gt 0}\frac{T_v}{t(v)}\) is taken only from positive \(T(v)\)). The system of Theorem 1(b) may not have a reasonable solution when p is small, and the probability of each v being accessed in each step is 1, the protection \(\rho\) cannot be realized. If \(p=1\), there is no suitable solution caused by \(\rho \gt \alpha _{max}\) only.□


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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Transactions on Internet Technology
    ACM Transactions on Internet Technology  Volume 22, Issue 2
    May 2022
    582 pages
    • Editor:
    • Ling Liu
    Issue’s Table of Contents


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 14 May 2022
    Accepted: 01 March 2021
    Revised: 01 November 2020
    Received: 01 September 2020
    Published in TOIT Volume 22, Issue 2


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    1. Mobile edge computing
    2. synthetic theories
    3. mobile device
    4. suboptimal
    5. security strategies
    6. quality of service
    7. deep learning


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    • National Nature Science Foundation of China


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