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Treating the Storage Stack Like a Network

Published: 16 February 2017 Publication History


In a data center, an IO from an application to distributed storage traverses not only the network but also several software stages with diverse functionality. This set of ordered stages is known as the storage or IO stack. Stages include caches, hypervisors, IO schedulers, file systems, and device drivers. Indeed, in a typical data center, the number of these stages is often larger than the number of network hops to the destination. Yet, while packet routing is fundamental to networks, no notion of IO routing exists on the storage stack. The path of an IO to an endpoint is predetermined and hard coded. This forces IO with different needs (e.g., requiring different caching or replica selection) to flow through a one-size-fits-all IO stack structure, resulting in an ossified IO stack.
This article proposes sRoute, an architecture that provides a routing abstraction for the storage stack. sRoute comprises a centralized control plane and “sSwitches” on the data plane. The control plane sets the forwarding rules in each sSwitch to route IO requests at runtime based on application-specific policies. A key strength of our architecture is that it works with unmodified applications and Virtual Machines (VMs). This article shows significant benefits of customized IO routing to data center tenants: for example, a factor of 10 for tail IO latency, more than 60% better throughput for a customized replication protocol, a factor of 2 in throughput for customized caching, and enabling live performance debugging in a running system.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Storage
ACM Transactions on Storage  Volume 13, Issue 1
Special Issue on USENIX FAST 2016 and Regular Papers
February 2017
201 pages
  • Editor:
  • Sam H. Noh
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 16 February 2017
Accepted: 01 December 2016
Received: 01 October 2016
Published in TOS Volume 13, Issue 1


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  6. storage stack


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