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Query modeling for entity search based on terms, categories, and examples

Published: 08 December 2011 Publication History


Users often search for entities instead of documents, and in this setting, are willing to provide extra input, in addition to a series of query terms, such as category information and example entities. We propose a general probabilistic framework for entity search to evaluate and provide insights in the many ways of using these types of input for query modeling. We focus on the use of category information and show the advantage of a category-based representation over a term-based representation, and also demonstrate the effectiveness of category-based expansion using example entities. Our best performing model shows very competitive performance on the INEX-XER entity ranking and list completion tasks.


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  1. Query modeling for entity search based on terms, categories, and examples



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        ACM Transactions on Information Systems  Volume 29, Issue 4
        December 2011
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 08 December 2011
        Accepted: 01 September 2011
        Revised: 01 October 2010
        Received: 01 April 2010
        Published in TOIS Volume 29, Issue 4


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        1. Entity retrieval
        2. generative probabilistic model
        3. query expansion
        4. query modeling


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