7 March 2003 Image segmentation and restoration using inverse diffusion equations and mathematical morphology
Nengli Dong, Gang Jin, Hongbin Chen, Jiaguang Ma, Bo Qi
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Segmentation and restoration of highly noisy images is a very challenging problem. There are a number of methods reported in the literature, but more effort still need to be put on this problem. In this paper we describe the development and implementation of a new effective approach to segmentation and restoration of imagery with pervasive, large amplitude noise. The new approach is based on the recently developed stabilized inverse diffusion equations (SIDE) and mathematical morphology. First, we find an optimized SIDE force function. Secondly, we segment the image to several regions accurately using the SIDE method. Finally a grayscale mathematical morphological filter combined with SIDE is assigned to the initial image data in each region to suppress the noise and to restore the total image. A test study based on available database is presented, and the results so far indicate that this approach to highly noisy imagery segmentation and restoration is highly effective.
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Nengli Dong, Gang Jin, Hongbin Chen, Jiaguang Ma, and Bo Qi "Image segmentation and restoration using inverse diffusion equations and mathematical morphology", Proc. SPIE 4883, SAR Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques V, (7 March 2003);
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Image segmentation


Mathematical morphology

Image processing

Image filtering

Image restoration



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