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Human activities now fuel two-thirds of global methane emissions

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Published 10 September 2024 © 2024 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Focus on Methane Drawdown Citation R B Jackson et al 2024 Environ. Res. Lett. 19 101002 DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/ad6463


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Global average surface temperatures shattered all-time records in 2023 at 1.45 ± 0.12 °C above pre-industrial levels (WMO 2024). Worsened by climate change-induced drought, Canadian wildfires burned 18.5 million hectares, nearly three-times more land area than in any previous year on record (NRC 2023). Parts of the Amazon River reached their lowest levels in 120 years of data-keeping and, in places, recorded surface water temperatures near 40 °C (Rodrigues 2023). The world has reached the threshold of a 1.5 °C increase in global average surface temperature and is only beginning to experience the full consequences.

Methane (CH4) is the second most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide. It contributed 0.5 °C of warming in the 2010s relative to the late 1800s—two-thirds as much warming as CO2 (IPCC 2021). It is also far more potent than CO2 ton for ton, with a global warming potential (GWP) >80 and 30 times more than CO2 for the first twenty years and century after release, respectively (Forster et al 2021).

Methane is rising faster in relative terms than any major greenhouse gas and is now 2.6-fold higher than in pre-industrial times. Global average methane concentrations reached 1931 parts per billion (ppb) in January of 2024 (Lan et al 2024). Annual increases in methane are also accelerating for reasons that are debated. Global methane concentrations rose by 15, 18, 13, and 10 ppb each year from 2020 through 2023, respectively, the second, first, fourth, and fourteenth largest increases since the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) methane time series began in 1983 (Lan et al 2024).

The Global Carbon Project updates its Global Methane Budget (GMB) every few years (Saunois et al 2016, 2020, 2024). The GMB integrates results of: (1) bottom-up (BU) estimates based on process-based models for estimating wetland surface emissions and atmospheric chemistry, inventories of anthropogenic emissions, and data-driven extrapolations, and (2) top-down (TD) CH4 emission estimates based on atmospheric observations and an inverse-modeling framework. Here, we summarize new estimates of the GMB based on the new GMB (Saunois et al 2024). We estimate CH4 sources and sinks for the periods 2000–2002 and 2018–2020, as well as for the most-recent year (2020), the last year that full global TD and BU methane datasets are available. We compare 3 year-average estimates to smooth the inter-annual variability signals from climatic variability such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) that influence natural emissions from wetlands and other ecosystems, as well as from the chemical sink.

We provide insights on data for methane sources and sinks globally and for the geographical regions and economic sectors whose emissions have changed the most since 2000. We also provide additional data on changes in recent years using satellite-based inversions using the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) (e.g. Yu et al 2023).

1. Methods

Our methods and data are derived from the Global Carbon Project's most recent global methane budget (Saunois et al 2024). We employ a TD ensemble of 24 inversions based on seven different inverse systems that use data for atmospheric CH4 concentrations to constrain total emissions and attribute them to primary sources. The TD inversions are either constrained by surface observations for the period 2000–2020 (18 out of 24 simulations), or satellite observations from the Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT) for the period 2010–2020. Prior fluxes, observations, treatments, and optimization configurations varied modestly across the inversions as described in Saunois et al (2024).

Most of the atmospheric inversions used the same OH field, treated as constant over time, attributing changes in methane concentrations to altered emissions rather than to altered atmospheric oxidative capacity. Although, chemistry-climate models suggest potential OH increases between 2000 and 2010 and decreases after 2010 (e.g. Zhao et al 2020, Skeie et al 2023), OH inferred from hydrofluorocarbon and methyl chloroform observations suggest insignificant trends over the past two decades (Patra et al 2021, Thompson et al 2024). Models and observations also indicate small interannual variability of OH (<2% in Thompson et al (2024) and Patra et al (2021)), implying ∼10−11 Tg yr−1 uncertainty in interannual flux variability if OH variability is ignored in recent decades (Saunois et al 2024). In 2020, OH seems to have decreased sharply by 2% compared to 2019 attributable to reduced NOx emissions that may have explained at least half of the surge in growth rate (Peng et al 2022). In future scenarios, while decarbonization can decrease methane emissions, the associated reduction in NOx emissions has the potential to increase methane's lifetime in the atmosphere. The overall climate and air quality benefits thus require careful evaluation.

The Global Methane Budget also employs detailed BU accounting that includes global inventories and biogeochemical modeling that provides a more detailed attribution to sources but lacks the constraint of total atmospheric growth rate used in TD approaches. BU trends in methane emissions are available for anthropogenic emissions using four global inventories (EDGARv6 and v7, CEDS, GAINS and EPA2019), five fire products for biomass burning (GFEDv4.1s, QFEDv2.5, GFAS and FINNv1.6 and v2.5) and 13 biogeochemical models for wetland emissions (Saunois et al 2024). However, estimates for other natural sources such as geological, termites, permafrost, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs available in the literature lack sufficient measurements to analyze temporal changes in methane emissions and, as a result, trends cannot currently be calculated for these sources.

Estimated methane emissions from inland freshwaters for the new global methane budget use new spatial products and for the first time attribute some freshwater sources to anthropogenic activities ('direct' via river damming or other human-constructed small lakes and ponds) or influences ('indirect' via eutrophication induced by enhanced nutrient loadings from the surrounding catchments). Notable improvements over the last GMB include the addition of new, spatially explicit estimates of lake and reservoir emissions derived from both observations and models (Johnson et al 2021, 2022, Zhuang et al 2023).

To further interpret estimated methane emissions changes in recent years after the GMB budget period in 2020, we use a TD emission quantification based on methane column measurements from TROPOMI for the years 2018–2023. This inverse system is based on the GEOS-Chem adjoint 4D-Var methane inverse system (Yu et al 2021). Prior fluxes, treatments, and optimization configurations are as described in Yu et al (2021 and 2023). Results here are the average of two inversions: one uses a fixed OH field from chemical transport model simulations, whereas the other optimizes OH concentration magnitude simultaneously with methane emissions. To extend the evaluation period from the GMB model ensemble, the recent-year emission increases are based on the emission estimates of 2019 and 2023 from this model (GEOS-Chem) constrained by a TROPOMI product, rather than a comparison to the GMB year-2019 estimates.

2. Global sources and sinks of methane

Despite an increasing policy focus on methane as a potent greenhouse gas, methane emissions continue to rise. Global anthropogenic methane emissions reached 370 [range 343–403] and 384 [358–411] Tg CH4 yr−1 based on BU and TD estimates, respectively, averaged for the three years from 2018 to 2020 (table 1). These emissions are 50–60 Tg CH4 yr−1 (15%–20%) higher than for the period 2000–2002, nearly two-decades earlier (table 1). Total global methane sources, both natural and anthropogenic, rose by 50–70 Tg CH4 yr−1.

Table 1. Mean global methane emissions by source type in Tg CH4 yr−1 for the period 2000–2002 (left columns), 2018–2020 (center columns) and 2020 (right columns) using bottom-up (BU) and top-down (TD) approaches. Because top-down models cannot fully separate individual processes, only five categories of emissions are provided (see Saunois et al 2024). Uncertainties are reported as [min-max] range of reported studies. Differences of 1 Tg CH4 yr−1 in the totals can occur attributable to rounding errors. 'Total chemical loss' includes atmospheric loss from tropospheric OH and Cl as well as stratospheric loss.

Period of time2000–20022018–20202020
All inland waters242 [155–356] 251 [166–372] 251 [171–364]175 [151–229]
Wetlands153 [115–190]170 [153–227]162 [126–206]169 [149–223]161 [131–198]175 [151–229]
Inland freshwaters112 [49–202] 112 [49–202] 112 [49–202] 
Double counting23 [9–36] 23 [9–36] −23 [−9–−36] 
Other natural sources63 [24–93]45 [42–49]63 [24–93]43 [40–46]63 [24–93]44 [40–47]
Geological35 [13–53]23 [21–26]35 [13–53]22 [19–25]  
Termites10 [4–16]10 [10–12]10 [4–16]10 [9–11]  
Oceanic sources13 [6–20]12 [11–12]13 [6–20]12 [11–12]  
TOTAL NATURAL & INDIRECT SOURCES305 [179–449]211 [196–238]314 [190–465]210 [191–235]314 [195–457]216 [193–241]
Agriculture and waste186 [175–199]206 [188–234]219 [202–241]239 [224–256]211 [204–216]245 [232–259]
Agriculture129 [120–136]139 [138–140]147 [133–159]159 [159–160]147 [143–149] 
Enteric ferm. & manure100 [95–107]105 [104–106]116 [108–122]121 [120–122]117 [114 −124] 
Rice cultivation29 [23–33]34 [34–34]32 [25–38]38 [38–39]32 [29–37]
Landfills and waste59 [50–68]64 [62–64]74 [59–83]79 [72–82]71 [60–84] 
Fossil fuels96 [88–112]101 [85–113]123 [103–134]119 [96–131]128 [120–133]122 [101–133]
Coal mining25 [23–27]25 [19–31]41 [37–47]35 [24–41]41 [38–43] 
Oil & Gas62 [57–69]76 [63–88]70 [53–79]84 [73–95]74 [67–80]
Industry4 [1–8] 5 [1–8] 5 [1–8]
Transport3 [1–7] 2 [1–3] 2 [1–3]
Biomass & biofuel burning26 [18–35]25 [22–28]28 [21–39]26 [21–28]27 [20–41]26 [22–27]
Biomass burning15 [10–21]13 [11–16]18 [14–25]14 [10–16]17 [13–27] 
Biofuel burning11 [8–14]11 [7–13]11 [8–14]12 [11–12]10 [7–14]
TOTAL DIRECT ANTHROPOGENIC SOURCES309 [290–332]333 [308–365]370 [343–403]384 [358–411]372 [345–409]392 [368–409]
TOTAL SOURCES614 [469–781]544 [517–587]684 [533–868]595 [569–609]685 [540–865]608 [581–627]
Total chemical loss 503 [481–516] 537 [526–547]602 [496–747]538 [503–554]
Tropospheric OH 474 [467–480] 505 [498–510]
Stratospheric loss 27 [23–36] 28 [24–38]
Tropospheric Cl 3 [0–8] 3 [0–9]
Soil Uptake35 [30–38]34 [33–35]37 [32–40]36 [34–37]31 [11–49]36 [35–36]
TOTAL SINKS 538 [529–549] 573 [562–582]633 [507–796]575 [566–589]
Total Sources614 [469–781]544 [517–587]684 [533–868]595 [569–609]685 [540–865]608 [581–627]
Total Sinks 538 [529–549] 573 [562–582]633 [507–796]575 [566–589]
Imbalance (Sources-Sinks) 6 [−12–38] 22 [6–26]5232 [15–38]
ATMOSPHERIC GROWTH     41.8 [40.7– 42.9]

Our best estimates for anthropogenic methane emissions in 2020, the last year for which full data for the GMB are available, are 372 [345–409] and 392 [368–409] Tg CH4 yr−1 for BU and TD methods, respectively (figure 1, table 1). The largest emissions sources are: wetland and inland freshwaters, agriculture and waste, and fossil fuel production and use (figure 1). Direct anthropogenic emissions from TD estimates now comprise ∼65% of global emissions. When the ∼50 yr−1 or more of 'indirect anthropogenic emissions,' such as those from dams and reservoirs, are included (Saunois et al 2024), the total is more than two-thirds anthropogenic.

Figure 1. Refer to the following caption and surrounding text.

Figure 1. The global methane budget (Tg CH4 yr−1) for the year 2020 based on top-down methods for natural sources and sinks (green), anthropogenic sources (orange), and mixed natural and anthropogenic sources (hatched orange-green for 'Biomass and biofuel burning' and 'Combined wetland & inland freshwaters').

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Almost all major sectors of anthropogenic emissions rose substantially from 2000 to 2020. Emissions from agriculture and waste rose by 33 Tg CH4 yr−1 or one-sixth overall to 219 and 239 Tg CH4 yr−1 for BU and TD estimates, respectively (figure 2, table 1). Emissions from cows (and other ruminants) and from landfills (and other waste) both rose by ∼15 Tg CH4 yr−1 from 2000–2002 to 2018–2020. Fossil fuel emissions rose an estimated 18–27 Tg CH4 yr−1 (18%–28%) as estimated by TD and BU approaches, respectively (table 1). Methane emissions from fossil fuel extraction and use are now comparable to direct methane emissions from cows and other ruminants globally based on our estimate, but emissions from agriculture and waste, including landfills, remain approximately twice those associated with fossil fuels (table 1). This partitioning may vary among the individual inventories and TD estimates.

Figure 2. Refer to the following caption and surrounding text.

Figure 2. Box plot of global changes in methane emissions (Tg CH4 yr−1) averaged for the period 2018–2020 minus those for the period 2000–2002 for five primary emission sectors: wetlands; biomass & biofuel burning; fossil fuels; agriculture and waste; and other natural sources). For each category, top-down box plots are displayed on the left and BU are displayed on the right.

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For natural emissions, inland freshwaters were estimated to emit 112 (49–202) Tg CH4 yr−1 globally. One major change from previous Global Methane Budgets is the allocation of some freshwater and wetland emissions to anthropogenic actions, such as emissions from human-built reservoirs (Saunois et al 2024). For example, 50% of inland water emissions (56 of 112 Tg yr−1) are now estimated to be influenced by anthropogenic actions, including those from human-built reservoirs (30 Tg yr−1) and through eutrophication, warming, and other anthropogenically driven factors (Saunois et al 2024). Similarly, 30 Tg yr−1 of the ∼160 Tg yr−1 emitted from wetlands globally (table 1) are estimated to be influenced by anthropogenic factors such as climate change and CO2 fertilization. Given this new partitioning of previously categorized 'natural' wetland and inland freshwater emissions, the contribution of 'anthropogenic methane emissions' is likely to be greater than two-thirds, even when including only the additional 30 Tg yr−1 of emissions from human-built reservoirs.

The indirect (non-reservoir) anthropogenic emissions, however, need follow-up investigations using process-based models similar to those used to perform regional (e.g. Guo et al 2020) or global (e.g. Zhuang et al 2023) assessments of future emissions under future climate scenarios. Such models consistently project a substantial increase in methane emissions by the end of the 21st century (in the range of about 30%–80% depending on the scenario), supporting the notion that—like wetlands—inland freshwaters are also sensitive to warming. This feedback is poorly accounted for in the current decomposition between present-day natural and anthropogenic component fluxes and eutrophication. Such increases, whether induced by direct or indirect (climate change, eutrophication) drivers, have likely already contributed to the observed decadal increase in atmospheric CH4 concentrations. Their contribution remains relatively unquantified, however, contributing to uncertainties in the assessment of decadal changes in the GMB. Natural wetlands showed no statistically significant increase in methane emissions when comparing the three-year periods 2000–2002 to 2018–2020 (table 1).

Global methane sinks are increasing in response to rising atmospheric methane concentrations. Total global sinks estimated by TD approaches rose by 35 Tg CH4 yr−1 from an average 538 [529–549] Tg CH4 yr−1 in 2000–2002 to 573 Tg CH4 yr−1 for the period 2018–2020 (table 1). Unsurprisingly, most of the increased oxidation of methane (∼30 Tg CH4 yr−1) came from OH radicals in the troposphere.

The imbalance between global sources and sinks continues to grow and is reflected in the increasing atmospheric growth rates observed for methane in recent years (Lan et al 2024). The average imbalance between global sources and sinks in the early 2000s was ∼6 Tg CH4 yr−1 (table 1). In contrast, this imbalance grew to 32 [15–38] and 52 Tg CH4 yr−1 in 2020 based on TD and BU methods, respectively, values that bracket the actual atmospheric growth rate of 15 ppb CH4 or 42 Tg CH4 that year (Lan et al 2024).

3. Regional and latitudinal methane sources and sinks

The estimated global increase in methane emissions from 2000 to 2020 arises largely from four regions or countries (figure 3, table 2): China (BU: 19 [17–23] Tg CH4 yr−1; TD: 7 [−7–17] Tg CH4 yr−1), South Asia (BU: 10 [7–14] Tg CH4 yr−1; TD: 10 [2–17]Tg CH4 yr−1), SouthEast Asia (BU: 8 [0–14] Tg CH4 yr−1; TD: 6 [−2–10] Tg CH4 yr−1) and the Middle East (BU: 8 [4–15] Tg CH4 yr−1; TD: 8 [2–22] Tg CH4 yr−1), mostly attributable to anthropogenic emissions. These regions are followed by Equatorial Africa (BU: 7 [3–17] Tg CH4 yr−1; TD: 4 [−2–8] Tg CH4 yr−1) and the USA (BU: 3 [−3–18] Tg CH4 yr−1; TD: 6 [−6–16] Tg CH4 yr−1). However, large uncertainties exist among each approach, and discrepancies appear between approaches for China, the USA and Equatorial Africa. Two groups of countries show decreasing emissions: Europe (BU: −7 [−10–4] Tg CH4 yr−1; TD: −7 [−10–2] Tg CH4 yr−1) as highlighted previously (Jackson et al 2020) and, possibly, Australasia (BU: −1 [−4–2] Tg CH4 yr−1; TD: 0 [−2–0] Tg CH4 yr−1).

Figure 3. Refer to the following caption and surrounding text.

Figure 3. Box plot of changes in total (anthropogenic and natural) methane emissions (Tg CH4 yr−1) from 2018–2020 minus 2000–2002 globally (right panel) and regionally (left panel) for the 18 continental regions of the Global Methane Budget. For both panels, each blue-green pair displays bottom-up emissions on the left (in blue) and top-down estimates on the right (in green). Error bars are minimum and maximum ranges of the ensemble estimates.

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Table 2. Global, latitudinal and regional changes in Tg CH4 yr−1 averaged for the period 2018–2020 minus 2000–2002 for bottom up (BU) and top-down (TD) methods. The latitudinal estimates are based on gridded datasets resulting in a slight discrepancy with the global total for the BU approaches. Outlier detection and removal is performed for each source category and region, leading to small discrepancies when adding categories and latitudinal bands or regions together.

 Natural and indirect anthropogenic emissionsDirect anthropogenic emissionsTotal sources
Global8 [0–16]−4 [−18–2]59 [39–79]54 [25–69]67 [39–95]56 [49–68]
90N–60N1 [−2–3]0 [−1–1]−4 [−7–1]−1 [−5–1]−3 [−9–3]−1 [−6–1]
60N–30N3 [−2–7]−1 [−6–4]27 [21–34]16 [8–26]30 [20–40]15 [5–25]
−90S–30N4 [−2–17]−4 [−14–4]41 [31–51]41 [30–48]45 [29–68]36 [6–47]
USA2 [0–6]0 [0–0]1 [−4–12]5 [−5–13]3 [−3–18]6 [−6–16]
Canada0 [−1–3]0 [−2–1]1 [−1–3]1 [0–3]1 [−2–6]1 [−1–4]
Central America0 [0–2]0 [0–0]2 [1–3]3 [1–5]2 [0–5]3 [2–4]
Northern South America0 [0–1]0 [−1–1]0 [−3–1]0 [0–1]0 [−3–2]0 [−2–1]
Brazil0 [−3–5]−1 [−5–2]2 [−1–5]5 [3–7]2 [−4–101]4 [−2–8]
Southwest South America0 [−2–2]−1 [−6–3]2 [1–2]2 [0–3]2 [−2–5]1 [−1–5]
Europe0 [−2–1]0 [−1–0]−6 [−8–5]−7 [−9–2]−7 [−10–4]−7 [−10–2]
Northern Africa0 [0–1]0 [−1–0]2 [−2–5]3 [1–5]2 [−2–6]3 [0–6]
Equatorial Africa1 [−1–4]0 [−2–2]6 [4–13]4 [0–6]7 [3–17]4 [−2–8]
Southern Africa0 [0–0]0 [−1–1]2 [0–5]2 [1–3]2 [−1–5]2 [0–3]
Russia1 [0–3]0 [−2–1]2 [−1–10]2 [−5–5]3 [−1–12]2 [−6–5]
Central Asia0 [0–0]0 [0–0]2 [0–3]2 [0–4]2 [0–4]2 [1–4]
Middle East0 [0–0]0 [−1–0]8 [4–15]8 [2–22]8 [4–15]8 [2–22]
China1 [0–2]0 [0–0]18 [17–21]7 [−8–17]19 [17–23]7 [−7–17]
Korean Japan0 [0–0]0 [0–0]0 [0–0]0 [−2–1]0 [0–0]0 [−1–1]
South Asia1 [−1–4]0 [−1–0]10 [9–11]10 [3–18]10 [7–14]10 [2–17]
SouthEast Asia0 [−2–2]−1 [−7–0]8 [1–12]8 [2–12]8 [0–14]6 [−2–10]
Australasia0 [−1–0]−1 [−1–1]0 [−2–1]0 [−1–0]−1 [−4–2]0 [−2–0]

The distribution of emission changes from 2000 to 2020 by latitude emphasizes the tropics, which contribute an estimated ∼60%–70% of the total global change over the last two decades for both approaches (BU: 45 [29–68] Tg CH4 yr−1; TD: 36 [6–47] Tg CH4 yr−1) (table 2). Mid-latitudes are responsible for the additional 30%–40% increase in global emissions; in contrast, emissions from higher latitudes (60–90°N) are estimated to be stable or to have decreased slightly, attributable to slightly decreasing anthropogenic emissions (table 2).

4. More recent emission estimates (2019–2023)

Extending emission estimates into the year 2023 based on TD analyses of TROPOMI satellite measurements, estimated global methane emissions increase by an additional 19 Tg over the 4 year interval from 2019 to 2023 (figure 4). Tropical regions contribute the most to recent emission increases (>7 Tg from 2019 to 2023), particularly in the Congo and, to a lesser extent, parts of southeast Asia and southern Brazil (figure 4). Another area of increase from 2019 to 2023 is observed near Beijing, China (figure 4). As a full ensemble of inversions becomes available with more data through 2023, additional estimates will provide more comprehensive coverage of emission increases.

Figure 4. Refer to the following caption and surrounding text.

Figure 4. Global distribution of changes in methane emissions (kg d−1 km−2) for the difference between emissions in 2023 minus emissions in 2019 (a four-year interval) based on satellite-derived inversions (TROPOMI). The total increase in methane emissions for this period is estimated to be 19.4 Tg CH4. The top panel is the increase in methane emissions (Tg CH4 for four years from 2019 to 2023, based on inverse analyses of TROPOMI methane observations) summed over 5-degree longitude bins. The panel on the right is the increase in methane emissions (Tg CH4) summed over 4-degree latitude bins. Cross symbols in the map indicate locations where the inversions have a limited ability to address observed changes in methane emissions.

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5. Conclusions

Methane is receiving increasing policy attention because of its potential for reducing warming over the next few decades. Recent analyses suggest that methane mitigation may be cheaper than CO2 mitigation for a comparable climate benefit (UNEP & CCAC 2021). Better quantification and attribution of methane sources are needed to support such mitigation efforts locally, regionally, and globally.

Closer-to-real-time estimates of methane sources, for example, will be aided by new satellites such as MethaneSAT and CarbonMapper, to identify and quantify methane super-emitters (Duren et al 2019). Current BU inventories do a poor job of representing the long tail of such emissions in inventory budgets. More complete (and rapid) incorporation of satellite data will also improve TD methane inversions, regional emission estimates, and national greenhouse gas inventories. As part of upcoming GMB efforts, we expect to produce national methane budgets for some key countries.

Uncertainties in methane emissions remain even greater for natural sources, such as wetlands, freshwater systems, and natural geologic sources. Process-based model assessments of inland freshwater CH4 emissions are needed that rely on common system delineations and simulation protocols. This effort could follow a format similar to that of the WETland CH4 Inter-comparison of Models Project (WETCHIMP) launched a decade or more ago (Melton et al 2013). Process-based models are needed to constrain uncertainties, to strengthen confidence in the spatial upscaling of CH4 fluxes, and to resolve temporal variability (e.g. responses to climate extremes, inter-annual variations, and decadal trends). Similar to past wetland studies, simulations should be performed within the broader framework of land-surface models (LSMs) and would benefit from recent advances in LSM-based simulations of inland water CO2 and N2O fluxes (e.g. Yao et al 2020, Zhang et al 2022, Tian et al 2023).

TD inversions will benefit from incorporating additional tracers, including ethane and 13CH4—wherever global data are available—to enhance CH4 abundance data from flask and satellite sampling. Ethane, for instance, and methane are co-emitted from fossil fuel exploration, but not from biological sources (e.g. Lan et al 2019, Barkley et al 2021). Additionally, methane produced from biological processes, such as in wetlands, landfills, or livestock, typically has a lighter 13CH4:12CH4 ratio compared to methane from fossil fuel extraction or industrial processes. Different sinks also fractionate against the slightly heavier 13CH4 consuming it at a slightly slower rate than for 12CH4. Incorporating these additional tracer measurements can thus help researchers identify and quantify the contributions of methane sources and sinks more accurately. Furthermore, TD quantification would benefit from the recent advances in synthesizing 13CH4 source signatures into grid-level estimates for fossil and non-fossil sources (Sherwood et al 2021).

Estimates of methane sinks also require new approaches and research tools. The oxidative capacity of the atmosphere is difficult to measure directly, particularly for short-lived OH and Cl radicals that oxidize most emitted methane. Methyl chloroform (CH3CCl3) has provided the most useful constraint on the atmosphere's oxidative capacity (Patra et al 2021). However, its abundance has been declining for decades and is now below 1 pptv (Rigby et al 2017). We need new tracers and tools to assess the abundance of OH radicals, in particular, which have a lifetime of only seconds. Opportunities to constraint the oxidative capacity of the troposphere include other halogens compounds such as HFC-134a, HFC-32 and HCFC-141b (Thompson et al 2024) and isotopic information from14CO (Brenninkmeijer 1993) and 13CO (Mak and Brenninkmeijer 1998).

Methane concentrations have risen faster over the past five-year period than in any period since record-keeping began. Understanding where and why this is happening is a central goal of the Global Methane Budget. At least two-thirds of global methane emissions are now attributable to anthropogenic sources, an outcome that cannot continue if we are to maintain a habitable climate.


The authors acknowledge the many scientists who contribute to the Global Methane Budget released by the Global Carbon Project ( Our research was supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation through Grants GBMF5439 'Advancing Understanding of the Global Methane Cycle' and GBMF11519 'Advancing the understanding of methane emissions from tropical wetlands' to Stanford University and the Agence National de la Recherche through the project Advanced Methane Budget through Multi-constraints and Multi-data streams Modelling (AMB-M3)—(ANR-21-CE01-0030). The authors acknowledge additional funding through the framework of UNEP's International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO) (#DTIE21-EN3143 to Stanford University, the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE-IPSL), and CSIRO Environment, Canberra, Australia) and from Australia's National Environmental Science Program - Climate Systems Hub (JGC) and from Future Earth. PRE acknowledges funding from the FRS-FRNS PDR project T.0191.23 CH4-lakes.

Data availability statement

The data that support the findings of this study are openly available at the following URL/DOI:

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