Key Points
The functions of a cortical area are determined by its extrinsic connections and intrinsic properties. Each cortical area has a unique pattern of cortico-cortical connections — a 'connectional fingerprint'.
No two areas share identical connection patterns. Instead, there are families of areas that share a resemblance in their connections.
Cortical areas also have their own 'functional fingerprints': the proportions of cells that fire in association with different tasks or task events differ between areas. The connectional fingerprint seems to underlie such cell-firing differences.
In addition to electrophysiological approaches, imaging will be a useful tool for detecting functional fingerprints, because it allows comparisons of activations across many cortical areas and across a wide range of tasks.
The functions of a cortical area are determined by its extrinsic connections and intrinsic properties. Using the database CoCoMac, we show that each cortical area has a unique pattern of cortico-cortical connections — a 'connectional fingerprint'. We present examples of such fingerprints and use statistical analysis to show that no two areas share identical patterns. We suggest that the connectional fingerprint underlies the observed cell-firing differences between areas during different tasks. We refer to this pattern as a 'functional fingerprint' and present examples of such fingerprints. In addition to electrophysiological analysis, functional fingerprints can be determined by functional brain imaging. We argue that imaging provides a useful way to define such fingerprints because it is possible to compare activations across many cortical areas and across a wide range of tasks.
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This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust (R.E.P.), the Brain Research Trust (K.E.S.) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (R.K.). We are grateful to C. Hilgetag and K. Friston for their comments on the manuscript before submission, and to A. Duggins and W. Penny for helpful statistical discussions.
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Passingham, R., Stephan, K. & Kötter, R. The anatomical basis of functional localization in the cortex. Nat Rev Neurosci 3, 606–616 (2002).
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