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Skyrmions on the track

Magnetic skyrmions are nanoscale spin configurations that hold promise as information carriers in ultradense memory and logic devices owing to the extremely low spin-polarized currents needed to move them.

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Figure 1: Spins in a skyrmion.
Figure 2: Detection of skyrmions and a phase diagram.
Figure 3: Skyrmion velocity.


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We acknowledge the support of S. Rohart and A. Thiaville from LPS (Université Paris-Sud/CNRS), Orsay, France for the numerical calculations of Fig. 3, and K. Everschor who helped in the preparation of some of the figures.

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Fert, A., Cros, V. & Sampaio, J. Skyrmions on the track. Nature Nanotech 8, 152–156 (2013).

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