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Evaluation of the Montsouris series of ozone measurements made in the nineteenth century


There is growing evidence that ozone levels in the lower troposphere over the continents of the Northern Hemisphere have been increasing during the past decades1,2. Questions regarding pre-industrial or 'background' ozone concentrations have led to the search for data from the early days of ozone monitoring, during the second half of the last century. Unfortunately, most measurements were then made using Schönbein test paper, giving only semi-quantitative information due to poor standardization and the influence of humidity and wind speed on its sensitivity3–5. We have reinvesti-gated a set of ozone measurements gathered at the Observatoire de Montsouris, located on the outskirts of Paris, where a quantitative method was established in 18766 and used continuously for 34 years. The evaluation of the technique, together with the analysis of nearly 3,000 of the original daily measurements that previously remained unnoticed in a statistical bulletin of the City of Paris7, provides conclusive evidence that ozone levels in central Europe 100 years ago averaged 10 p.p.b. and exhibited a seasonal variation, with a maximum during the spring months. Comparisons with modern data show that ozone levels in rural areas have more than doubled over the past century and that the tropospheric ozone budget is now strongly influenced by photochemical production due to increased levels of NOx.

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Volz, A., Kley, D. Evaluation of the Montsouris series of ozone measurements made in the nineteenth century. Nature 332, 240–242 (1988).

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