This chapter discusses the possible future of using S-BPM in production industry, including prospective obstacles and potential opportunities. It commences by proposing a framework representing the fundamental values of S-BPM relevant for its contribution to production enterprises: agility. These values are derived from the agile approach to software development. It is shown how S-BPM supports them in several ways; specifically
Individuals and interactions are supported by the notational simplicity in S-BPM.
Working software is supported by the ability of S-BPM to seamlessly integrate processes along life cycles and value chains.
Customer collaboration is supported by the widely shared semantics of S-BPM modelling constructs.
Responding to change is supported by the ability to encapsulate process functionalities by means of subjects in S-BPM.
The principal obstacles are identified for the use of S-BPM in industrial practice, in a way to achieve the four agile values. They include a widespread perception of process modelling as a routine task (not a creative activity), security concerns for core production processes, organizational cultures where there is a strong sense of hierarchy and silo mentality, and a desire for global control flow. Based on the size of each obstacle and the degree to which S-BPM is already prepared to address them, the beginnings of a roadmap towards industrial fitness are then developed. For this purpose, the metaphor of a “compass” is introduced to give orientation to future S-BPM research within a four-dimensional space of opportunities. A specific S-BPM project in the food industry, as part of the SO-PC-Pro project, is presented to show common drivers and challenges of S-BPM implementations for production processes within this four-dimensional space. Finally, the compass is used for identifying further domains that share similar issues likely to be solved using an agile approach supported by S-BPM. The architecture-engineering-construction (AEC) domain is presented as an example of such a domain.
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- Business Process
- Production Industry
- Notational Simplicity
- Building Information Modelling
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Kannengiesser, U. (2017). The Future: Obstacles and Opportunities. In: Neubauer, M., Stary, C. (eds) S-BPM in the Production Industry. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-48466-2_8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-48466-2_8
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
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