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SPDY Essentials

Will Chan

Roberto Peon

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  • Why SPDY?
  • What is SPDY?
  • SPDY Performance Benefits
  • SPDY Deployment Status
  • Future Work

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State of the Web Page (May 2010)

  • An average Web Page Consists of:
    • ~44 resources
    • ~7 hosts
    • ~320KB
    • ~66% compressed (top sites are ~90% compressed)
    • Note: HTTPS is < 50% compressed.
  • Incremental improvements to HTTP don't move the needle
    • Transparent proxies change the content.
    • Example:  pipelining
    • Example:  stripped "Accept-Encoding" headers
      • we can't even improve "negotiated" compression!

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HTTP Connection Use 2010

  • Average: 29 connections per page.

  • 25%-tile = 10     50%-tile = 20     75%-tile = 39    95%-tile = 78

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  • Avoid requiring the website author to change contentAllow for incremental changesPerforming "better" with content changes is okayPerforming "worse" without content changes is unacceptable

  • Perform always better, never worse than HTTP

  • Drop-in replacement from webapp's point of view
    • Changing the web server/application server is inevitable and therefore acceptable

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Quick SPDY Background

  • Goals:
    • Faster web page downloads
    • Always secure
    • Deployable
    • Open
  • Features (No rocket science here!)
    • Single-connection, Multiplexed, Prioritized streams
    • Mandatory header compression
    • Supports server-push
  • SPDY is Basic Networking "blocking and tackling"
    • Use fewer connections
    • Send fewer bytes

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What is SPDY?

  • Goal: Reduce Web Page Load time.
  • Multiplexing
    • Get the data off the client
  • Compression
    • HTTP headers are excessive
    • Uplink bandwidth is limited
  • Prioritization
    • Today the browser holds back
    • Priorities enable multiplexing
  • Encrypted & Authenticated
    • Eavesdropping at the Cafe must be stopped
  • Server Push
    • Websites do some of this today with data URLs






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Reducing Upload Bytes

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Reducing Download Bytes

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Reducing Total Packets

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Increasing Parallelism

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Comparison to Pipelining

  • Pro Pipelining
  • Works for some portion of the internet today
  • No SSL requirement

  • Pro SPDY
  • No deployment 'heuristics', it just works
  • Full multiplexing
  • Better compression
  • Server Push
  • No head-of-line blocking

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Background: Poor Network Utilization

  • Web Page evolution has led to poor network utilization.
  • Bandwidth is going up...  RTT isn't going down.

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Background: Pesky Round Trips

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Transport or Application Layer?

  • Known transport problems
    • lots of small connections with no shared state
    • no data in handshake
    • slow-start
    • delayed ack
  • Known app layer problems
    • Single threaded connections
    • Redundant headers
    • Not enough compression

  • Decision:
    • App layer problems were too severe to ignore
    • Packet loss patterns unknown
    • Barrier on transport too high without addressing App first

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How to Deploy? Process of Elimination

  • Avoid changing the lower-level transport
    • Much easier "burden of proof"
    • Works with existing infrastructure
  • Available transports:
    • TCP, UDP are possible.
    • SCTP not an option due to NAT.
  • UDP
    • We'd have to re-engineer TCP features.
  • That leaves us with TCP.
    • Only two ports available universally
      • Port 80?
      • Port 443?

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Deployment: Port 80

  • Should be our first choice.
  • Except HTTP runs on port 80.
  • Proxies and intermediates make for a treacherous environment.
    • HTTP/1.1 1999 - Pipelining still not deployed
    • Compression negotiation
  • Upgrade header requires a round trip
  • WebSockets Data (measured late 2009) shows surprising results for success rate of client+server speaking agreed-upon non-HTTP protocol. HTTPS is best, new port second best. Port 80... not so good
    • Success rate:
      • HTTP  (port 80)    67%
      • HTTP  (port 61985) 86%
      • HTTPS (port 443)   95%

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Deployment: Port 443

  • Port 443 runs SSL/TLS.
    • Adds authentication & encryption
  • Handshake is extensible:
  • But isn't TLS too slow?
    • CPU issues are minor for decent implementations
    • TLS does increase bandwidth by 2-3%
      • Mitigated by SPDY better compression.
    • Round Trip Times are significant
    • SSL requires 2 or 1 RTs for the handshake
      • Can we reduce to 0 RTs?

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With multiplexing:

SYN stream 1 Priority 3

SYN stream 3 Priority 3

SYN stream 5 Priority 0

SYN reply 1

SYN reply 3

Data frame [stream 1]

SYN reply 5

Data frame [stream 5]

Data frame + fin [stream 5]

Data frame + fin[stream 1]

Data frame [stream 3]

Data frame + fin [stream 3]



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Request Path

  •                  SPDY (in reality, headers are compressed)
  • 80 01 00 01
  • 00 00 00 6b  
  • 00 00 00 01
  • 00 00 00 00
  • 40 00 00 04  
  • 06method04post
  • 03url1ahttp://blogger.com/my_blog
  • 0auser-agent13blahblahblah chrome
  • 07version08http/1.1 

  • 00 00 00 01
  • 01 00 00 1f
  • here is my very short blog post
  •                       SPDY (human readable)
  • SYN frame
  • stream_id = 1
  • associated_stream_id = 0
  • priority = 1
  • num_headers = 4
  • [6]method[4]POST
  • [3]url[26]http://blogger.com/my_blog
  • [10]user-agent[19]blahblahblah chrome
  • [7]version[8]HTTP/1.1
  • DATA frame
  • stream_id = 1
  • flags = fin
  • length = 31
  • here is my very short blog post

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Does it work?

  • "Figures don't lie, but liars can figure"

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Initial Lab Results - Testing Methods

  • 3 major variables on the network
    • Packet Loss
    • Bandwidth
    • Round-Trip-Time
  • Looking at any one configuration is anecdotal, need to look at a spectrum of data.
  • Our test content includes:
    • high-fidelity copies of top-25 web pages.
    • includes exact HTTP headers, compression, etc.
  • Packet loss simulators stink (random loss is not realistic)
    • We don't have a good model.
    • We don't have a good simulator.

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Initial Lab Results: Packet Loss

  • Real world packet loss is ~1%.

  • SPDY-no-SSL is 41%-47% faster for PL between 1 and 2%.

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Initial Lab Results: Top 300 Content

  • Question:  Do highly optimized websites get less benefit?

  • Randomly picked 300 sites from the Alexa Top-1000.

  • Overall page load improvement average was 40%.

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Initial Lab Results: Page Load Time

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Less is More - Conns, Bytes, Packets

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HTTPS vs SPDY Overall (Production)

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SPDY vs HTTP for Google Websearch

  • SSL search became the default in Nov for google.com logged in users.
  • AJAX search is faster over SPDY than HTTP.
  • Obviously, Google cares about the quality of its websearch experience, so this was a 'wow' moment.
  • Hopefully more details and measurements to be presented at the upcoming Velocity conference.

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Deployment Status

  • SPDY is on by default since Chrome 6
    • Currently at 95%; 5% holdback is for A/B testing.
  • On for all Google SSL traffic
  • SPDY HTTP<->SPDY proxy from chromium used externally by others
  • SPDY Proxy (Kindle Fire's Silk Browser)
  • Android browser supports it since Honeycomb.
  • Firefox will support it (off by default, but user selectable) in FF11.
  • mod_spdy (work in progress)
  • Many other language implementations (C/Ruby/Python/Go/Erlang/node.js/etc)
  • In other words, yes, you can really use it now.
  • But SPDY is:
  • not standardized (yet)
  • still evolving (and you can help guide it!)

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New Bottlenecks


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How Much Does A Handshake Cost?

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Single Connection Throttles

  • Initial cwnd is still a problem
    • mitigated with kernel changes, but who can deploy that?
  • Initial receive window too low on Linux
    • fixed on trunk, but need to update all client stacks!
  • TCP intermediaries
    • See bugs all the time that muck with wscale and other options causing slow single connections
  • TCP congestion control
    • Completely unfair backoff for single-connection protocols
    • Single connection:  single loss loses ~1/2 of bandwidth
    • HTTP (6 conn): single loss loses ~1/12 of bandwidth

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Next Steps


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Help the community

  • We'll be working on providing:
  • updated draft-3 spec
  • spdy compliance test suite
  • split out SPDY<->HTTP gateway proxy away from chromium codebase so it is more easily compiled
  • mod_spdy in Apache
  • implementation best practices

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Document SPDY 'best practices'

  • use a single connection
  • set initcwnd to 10
  • watch your cert size
  • watch for cert chaining
  • use wildcard certs, if possible
  • turn off tcp_slow_start_after_idle
  • use reasonably small SSL write buffer sizes
  • don't shard domains
  • use server push instead of inlining
  • ensure reasonable priorities: html > js,css > *
  • pick a reasonably small framesize
  • leverage persistent settings

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Server Push vs Inlining

  • Server Push is quite a bit better than inlining since:
  • The content is still client-cachable when you use Server Push
  • Server Push never expands the size of the resource, unlike inlining
  • We should get web pages to use server push!

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Research TCP-level improvements

  • SPDY provides an improvement overall today, but for high-latency high-loss links, the use of a single connection can be detrimental.
  • We're researching ways around this today.

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  • We're planning on starting the standardization process at the Spring instance of IETF for SPDY.
  • We're separately pursuing standardization for the Next Protocol Negotiation (NPN) extension to TLS, upon which SPDY currently depends, but which is also not SPDY specific.

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Areas for Research

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Allow the server to authenticate for other hostnames

  • SPDY allows connection-pooling, but currently only allows this to occur when the cert which was served matches the domain.
  • Instead we could allow the server to serve another cert, which the browser verifies, thus allowing the connection to be shared for more domains and reducing latency.

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Allow the server to republish DNS information

  • With the advent of secure DNS, it may be possible to reshare DNS information securely.
  • In such cases, it may be interesting to allow the server to re-publish DNS information, removing that latency and allowing the server to steer load.

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Tunnel WebSocket and other protocols

  • Since SPDY is stream oriented, it should be easy to tunnel or map WebSocket or other protocols onto SPDY, allowing for connection sharing.