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Modeling software architectures in the Unified Modeling Language

Published: 01 January 2002 Publication History


The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a family of design notations that is rapidly becoming a de facto standard software design language. UML provides a variety of useful capabilities to the software designer, including multiple, interrelated design views, a semiformal semantics expressed as a UML meta model, and an associated language for expressing formal logic constraints on design elements. The primary goal of this work is an assessment of UML's expressive power for modeling software architectures in the manner in which a number of existing software architecture description languages (ADLs) model architectures. This paper presents two strategies for supporting architectural concerns within UML. One strategy involves using UML "as is," while the other incorporates useful features of existing ADLs as UML extensions. We discuss the applicability, strengths, and weaknesses of the two strategies. The strategies are applied on three ADLs that, as a whole, represent a broad cross-section of present-day ADL capabilities. One conclusion of our work is that UML currently lacks support for capturing and exploiting certain architectural concerns whose importance has been demonstrated through the research and practice of software architectures. In particular, UML lacks direct support for modeling and exploiting architectural styles, explicit software connectors, and local and global architectural constraints.


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Nancy R. Mead

This is a very interesting technical paper that examines ways in which Unified Modeling Language (UML) provides support for architectural description languages (ADLs). The authors examine two different approaches: one that attempts to use UML “as is,” and another that uses UML’s extensibility to support needed ADL features. The authors give an introduction to their work and an overview of UML. This is followed by a discussion of the two strategies, specific examples, and an assessment of each strategy. The authors then go on to a broader discussion, conclusions, and discussion of future work. There is an extensive set of references, and a number of ADLs are discussed in the process, including C2 and its associated ADL, Wright, Rapide, and ACME. The first strategy applies UML directly as an ADL, using the C2 architectural style. The application used as an example by the authors is a meeting scheduler system. The authors conclude that using UML “as is” does not fully satisfy the needs of architectural description. This is because UML does not provide specialized constructs for modeling architectural artifacts, and because the rules of a particular architectural style, as reflected in the ADL, are not easily emulated using UML. Of course, one might question whether UML was intended to model software architectures in this way, but the authors’ premise is that it is desirable for UML to provide support to various ADL models. The second strategy treats UML as a core notation, which is extended to support specific architectural concerns. This approach is demonstrated using UML extensions to support C2, Wright, and Rapide. The authors discuss the extensions in support of each ADL individually. A banking system is used as an example for part of the discussion. This approach does not provide a complete solution either, although it appears to provide a better match than the first strategy. One drawback of the second strategy is that it relies heavily on Object Constraint Language (OCL), a more formal and uninterpreted part of UML. Standard tools may not support such extensions. I found this to be a very well-written and thoughtful paper. The authors’ work is thorough, and suggests some possible future directions. For anyone interested in UML and its support of ADLs, this is a must-read paper. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology  Volume 11, Issue 1
January 2002
147 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 January 2002
Published in TOSEM Volume 11, Issue 1


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  1. C2
  2. Object Constraint Language
  3. Rapide
  4. Unified Modeling Language
  5. Wright
  6. formal modeling
  7. object-oriented design
  8. software architecture


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