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Evaluation of Appearance-Based Methods and Implications for Gaze-Based Applications

Published: 02 May 2019 Publication History


Appearance-based gaze estimation methods that only require an off-the-shelf camera have significantly improved but they are still not yet widely used in the human-computer interaction (HCI) community. This is partly because it remains unclear how they perform compared to model-based approaches as well as dominant, special-purpose eye tracking equipment. To address this limitation, we evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art appearance-based gaze estimation for interaction scenarios with and without personal calibration, indoors and outdoors, for different sensing distances, as well as for users with and without glasses. We discuss the obtained findings and their implications for the most important gaze-based applications, namely explicit eye input, attentive user interfaces, gaze-based user modelling, and passive eye monitoring. To democratise the use of appearance-based gaze estimation and interaction in HCI, we finally present OpenGaze (, the first software toolkit for appearance-based gaze estimation and interaction.

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  1. Evaluation of Appearance-Based Methods and Implications for Gaze-Based Applications



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    1. appearance-based gaze estimation
    2. model-based gaze estimation
    3. opengaze
    4. software toolkit
    5. tobii eyex


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