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Anvil: verifying liveness of cluster management controllers

Published: 07 January 2025 Publication History


Modern clouds depend crucially on an extensible ecosystem of thousands of controllers, each managing critical systems (e.g., a ZooKeeper cluster). A controller continuously reconciles the current state of the system to a desired state according to a declarative description. However, controllers have bugs that make them never achieve the desired state, due to concurrency, asynchrony, and failures; there are cases where after an inopportune failure, a controller can make no further progress. Formal verification is promising for avoiding bugs in distributed systems, but most work so far focused on safety, whereas reconciliation is fundamentally not a safety property.
This paper develops the first tool to apply formal verification to the problem of controller correctness, with a general specification we call eventually stable reconciliation, written as a concise temporal logic liveness property. We present Anvil, a framework for developing controller implementations in Rust and verifying that the controllers correctly implement eventually stable reconciliation. We use Anvil to verify three Kubernetes controllers for managing ZooKeeper, RabbitMQ, and FluentBit, which can readily be deployed in Kubernetes platforms and are comparable in terms of features and performance to widely used unverified controllers.


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OSDI'24: Proceedings of the 18th USENIX Conference on Operating Systems Design and Implementation
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Published: 07 January 2025


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