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Learning context-dependent mappings from sentences to logical form

Published: 02 August 2009 Publication History


We consider the problem of learning context-dependent mappings from sentences to logical form. The training examples are sequences of sentences annotated with lambda-calculus meaning representations. We develop an algorithm that maintains explicit, lambda-calculus representations of salient discourse entities and uses a context-dependent analysis pipeline to recover logical forms. The method uses a hidden-variable variant of the perception algorithm to learn a linear model used to select the best analysis. Experiments on context-dependent utterances from the ATIS corpus show that the method recovers fully correct logical forms with 83.7% accuracy.


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cover image DL Hosted proceedings
ACL '09: Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL and the 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the AFNLP: Volume 2 - Volume 2
August 2009
595 pages
  • General Chair:
  • Keh-Yih Su


Association for Computational Linguistics

United States

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Published: 02 August 2009


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