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The Moderation Role of AI-Enabled Service Quality on the Attitude Toward Fitness Apps

Published: 03 March 2023 Publication History


Artificial intelligent technology is rapidly transforming the fitness apps landscape by applying data mining technologies within given parameters. These wide-ranging AI-enabled services improve user interface and enhance customers' experience when exercising with the fitness apps. The current study integrated the four antecedents—technological functions, intrinsic information quality, perceived enjoyment, and social connection—to investigate the moderating influence of AI-enabled service quality on users' attitude toward physical activity. PLS-SEM was used to analyze and validate a sample of 170 participants. The findings posited that individuals' attitude toward physical activity is encouraged by the (1) technological functions (2) intrinsic information quality, and (3) perceived enjoyment. Further, the moderating role of AI-enabled service positively influencing the attitude toward physical activity with technological functions was also established.


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      cover image Journal of Global Information Management
      Journal of Global Information Management  Volume 31, Issue 1
      Feb 2023
      1381 pages


      IGI Global

      United States

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      Published: 03 March 2023

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      1. AI-Enabled Service Quality
      2. Attitude
      3. Intrinsic Information Quality
      4. Perceived Enjoyment
      5. Social Connections
      6. Technological Functions


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