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From Imagination to Innovation: Using Participatory Design Fiction to Envision the Future of Accessible Gaming Wearables for Players with Upper Limb Motor Disabilities

Published: 15 October 2024 Publication History


The interest in enhancing video game interactions through wearable technology has grown, yet accessible gaming with wearables remains underexplored. This study employs participatory design fiction, enabling disabled gamers to envision a future with tailored gaming wearables while critiquing technology. We conducted a two-phase study. Phase one involved in-depth interviews with upper limb motor disability participants; we developed a fictitious gaming wearable by analyzing the data using reflexive thematic analysis. A smaller group iterated on the wearable in phase two to ideate on ideal futures with accessible gaming wearables. Using data and dialogic/performance analysis, we crafted a design fiction diegetic prototype as a tech review video. This research highlights disabled gamers' unique needs and experiences around gaming wearables. It offers an innovative diegetic prototype for accessible gaming tech. Our methodological contribution merges narrative inquiry and dialogic/performance analysis in participatory design fiction research, providing a valuable approach for future studies.

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From Imagination to Innovation]{From Imagination to Innovation: Using Participatory Design Fiction to Envision the Future of Accessible Gaming Wearables for Players with Upper Limb Motor Disabilities


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Index Terms

  1. From Imagination to Innovation: Using Participatory Design Fiction to Envision the Future of Accessible Gaming Wearables for Players with Upper Limb Motor Disabilities



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      Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 8, Issue CHI PLAY
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      October 2024
      1726 pages
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      Publication History

      Published: 15 October 2024
      Published in PACMHCI Volume 8, Issue CHI PLAY

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      Author Tags

      1. accessibility
      2. design fiction
      3. dialogic analysis
      4. electromyography
      5. movement based design
      6. narrative inquiry
      7. performance analysis
      8. speculative design
      9. video games
      10. wearable technology


      • Research-article


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