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Dances with Drones: Spatial Matching and Perceived Agency in Improvised Movements with Drone and Human Partners

Published: 11 May 2024 Publication History


As drones become interwoven in human activities, increasingly taking on tasks interpreted as creative and performative, such as choreographed light shows, there is emerging interest in understanding how drones and humans can perform together. Humans have different habits when performing with partners as opposed to solo. How do people adapt their behaviors and perspectives when improvising with robotic partners? To explore these questions, we conducted a study investigating dancer-drone interactions using a system of micro aerial vehicles designed to facilitate improvised solo and partnered dances. Through solo and tandem dances with one or two robots, we analyzed the performers’ perceived workflow from semi-structured interviews and quantified their movement patterns during the improvisation. We found that the dancers perceived drone movements through spatial metaphors like the ceiling and gravity, anthropomorphizing drones as props on a stage through position and generated sound. The dancers felt a greater connection in single-drone scenarios and showed heightened avoidance behavior in two-drone situations. Our work shows how a robotic system can energize human dancers to improvise individually and in pairs.

Supplemental Material

MP4 File - Video Preview
Video Preview
Transcript for: Video Preview
MP4 File - Video Presentation
Video Presentation
Transcript for: Video Presentation
MP4 File - Video Figure
this is the video for the paper chi24-453, containing the main contribution and how the dancers dance with the drones
ZIP File - Dataset
This supplemental material contains the codes for computer vision methods, trajectory, and control for the drones used in this paper. It also includes the interview materials for the 12 dancers in this research. # Computer Vision We use the code of a) and b) directly to get the position of the dancer and the spatial location in 3D. a) 3d\_position: b) 2d\_pose: We fine-tune a model to detect the position of the drones c) drone\_detection: The training and inferring scripts are provided in the detection folder. # Drone Control and Trajectory We use the open-source platform Crazyflie 2.1 as the drones in this work d) the control code are provided as: \drone_control\ # Dancers' interview We also organized the interview material (strictly anonymous) in the file interview.pdf


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