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Route: Roads Not Taken in UI Testing

Published: 26 April 2023 Publication History


Core features (functionalities) of an app can often be accessed and invoked in several ways, i.e., through alternative sequences of user-interface (UI) interactions. Given the manual effort of writing tests, developers often only consider the typical way of invoking features when creating the tests (i.e., the “sunny day scenario”). However, the alternative ways of invoking a feature are as likely to be faulty. These faults would go undetected without proper tests. To reduce the manual effort of creating UI tests and help developers more thoroughly examine the features of apps, we present Route, an automated tool for feature-based UI test augmentation for Android apps. Route first takes a UI test and the app under test as input. It then applies novel heuristics to find additional high-quality UI tests, consisting of both inputs and assertions, that verify the same feature as the original test in alternative ways. Application of Route on several dozen tests for popular apps on Google Play shows that for 96% of the existing tests, Route was able to generate at least one alternative test. Moreover, the fault detection effectiveness of augmented test suites in our experiments showed substantial improvements of up to 39% over the original test suites.

1 Introduction

By and large, existing automated test generation techniques [5, 7, 8, 14, 15, 22, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 45, 48] cannot generate high-quality tests, consisting of both inputs and proper assertions, as they lack developers’ knowledge; instead, they generate inputs for exploring applications (apps) without providing proper assertions to verify the resulting behavior. Due to this limitation, the state-of-the-practice in mobile app testing is largely driven by feature-based user-interface (UI) tests that are manually developed. In contrast to the majority of automated test generation techniques that focus on improving the code coverage of an app under test (AUT), feature-based UI testing aims to improve the coverage of the features (functionalities) of an AUT. A prior study has showed that this type of testing is preferred by mobile app developers [31]. While it is straightforward to conduct feature-based UI testing manually, developers may choose to write scripted or automated UI test cases to make such testing repeatable in the context of continuous integration [16].
Automated feature-based UI testing has several advantages: reliability, execution speed, and in particular, the manifestation of developers’ knowledge regarding software functionality through oracles, i.e., assertions in test scripts. However, a recent study about test automation in open-source Android apps shows that within the real-world projects adopting automated UI testing, half of them contain fewer than eight UI test cases [29].
Listing 1.
Listing 1. Test script for timetable management in School Planner.
We believe that the two observations in prior work—(1) the developers preferring feature-based test coverage but mostly relying on ad hoc manual testing [31] and (2) half of the open-source projects containing fewer than eight UI test cases [29]—are due to the same fact: The development of feature-based test scripts involves substantial manual effort. As a result, when creating the test scripts, developers often only consider the typical way of invoking a feature (i.e., the “sunny day scenario” or “happy path”), neglecting the alternative ways of invoking it. In fact, the functionalities examined by such manually developed tests are usually the core capabilities of an app that can be accessed in multiple ways, i.e., through alternative sequences of UI interactions.
For illustration, Listing 1 shows a GUI test for a feature dealing with timetable management in School Planner, a popular planner app for students [4]. The execution of this test case is depicted in Figure 1(a). This test resembles the actions a user would take to manage timetables through a dedicated pop-up menu. The assertion in the last line checks if the app responds correctly by verifying the title of the page is “Manage timetables” (the last screen of Figure 1(a)). Nevertheless, Figures 1(b) and 1(c) demonstrate that this feature can be performed in two alternative ways, i.e., via the timetable selection dialog or Settings. When the developer writes the test for this feature, she may perceive the scenario of Figure 1(a) as the default or primary way of invoking this functionality. Failure to create tests for the other two ways of invoking the feature, however, leaves the potential faults that can only be revealed by those tests undetected. For instance, the first test shown in Figure 1(a) cannot reveal latent faults in the event listener method of the “MANAGE” button in Figure 1(b).
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Different use-case scenarios for timetable management in the School Planner app.
To reduce the manual effort of creating feature-based tests and help developers more thoroughly verify the features of their apps, we present Route, short for ROads not taken in Ui TEsting, which is an automated solution for feature-based UI test augmentation for Android apps. Route first takes a feature-based UI test, including both its inputs and assertions, and the AUT as input. It then applies novel heuristics to explore the AUT and generate additional UI tests that verify the same feature as the original test. Route leverages virtualization techniques to increase the accuracy and performance of app exploration. In other words, it saves and restores the snapshots of the memory of the device in certain states. In fact, Figures 1(b) and 1(c) are the alternative scenarios discovered by Route from the original test shown in Figure 1(a).
There are several differences between Route and the prior work in test augmentation [6, 11, 13, 18, 23, 27, 35, 41, 44, 46, 49, 50]. First, the proposed augmentation is feature-based. In other words, we aim to generate tests that verify the same functionalities as the original tests. To achieve this goal, we have developed several properties that the generated tests should hold and designed Route based on these properties. Second, the assertions in the original tests are reused in the generated tests, making the augmented test suites capable of detecting feature-related faults and providing the developers with actionable information to debug their programs. Finally, the test generation algorithm prioritizes the candidate tests according to how likely they are to exercise a feature in a different way than the existing tests.
We have applied Route on several dozens of feature-based UI tests for verification of popular apps on Google Play. The experimental results show that for 96% of the existing tests, Route was able to generate at least one alternative test. Moreover, the fault detection effectiveness of the augmented test suites was improved by up to 39% over the original test suites.
Overall, this article makes the following contributions:
We propose a feature-based UI test augmentation technique capable of creating high-quality tests, consisting of both inputs and assertions, to verify features of an app in alternative ways.
We present novel heuristics for the proposed test augmentation technique and implement them as an automated tool, called Route, which is publicly available [3].
We empirically evaluate Route on real-world tests and demonstrate its utility to generate additional tests capable of detecting new faults.
The rest of this article is organized as follows: Section 2 elaborates on the concept of feature-based test augmentation. Section 3 provides an overview of Route as well as the implementation details of its components. Section 4 presents our test generation algorithm. Section 5 discusses the evaluation results. The article concludes with an overview of the related research and future work.

2 Background

An existing UI test can be augmented by modifying its execution path. In this article, we model the dynamic behavior of the AUT as a graph \(G = (V, E)\), where:
\(V\) is a set of GUI states (screens). Each \(v \in V\) represents a unique runtime GUI state in the AUT.
\(E\) is a set of edges between the GUI states. Each \(e=(v_i, v_j, (w, a))\) \(\in E\) represents a transition from \(v_i\) to \(v_j\) by firing a GUI event that performs an action \(a\) on a widget \(w\).
Furthermore, the execution of a test can be perceived as a traversal through the graph. Specifically, for a UI test \(t\), we represent its execution path \(p = (v_s, v_f, V_p, E_p, V_o)\) as follows:
\(V_p \subseteq V\) are GUI states visited by \(t\) with edges \(E_p \subseteq E\).
\(v_s \in V_p\) denotes the start state, i.e., the state before \(t\) executes the first event.
\(v_f \in V_p\) denotes the end state, i.e., the state after \(t\) executes the last event. \(v_s\) and \(v_f\) are also referred to as terminal states.
\(V_o \subseteq V_p\) denotes the oracle states, i.e., the states on which \(t\) has assertions. We also store the assertions associated with each \(v_o \in V_o\).
Finally, for a usage-based test to be augmented, we call its execution path base path and the visited GUI states base states. For example, in Figure 2, the solid edges illustrate the base path of the test executing the scenario of Figure 1(a). The base path can then be modified to generate new tests from the original test.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Example of states and paths in the School Planner app shown in Figure 1.
When we construct a modified execution path \(p^{\prime }\) from a base path \(p\) to generate a new test, we would like \(p^{\prime }\) to still test the same functionality as \(p\), albeit using an alternative path. To that end, we propose several properties that we would like the modified execution path \(p^{\prime }\) to hold. First, the start and end states of \(p^{\prime }\) should be the same as the base path \(p\), because the terminal states provide important information about the boundary of the tested feature. Similarly, the oracle states \(V_o\) in \(p\), as well as the assertions examined at each state \(v_o \in V_o\), should also be included in \(p^{\prime }\), because they are critical for semantically verifying the functionality. Finally, \(p^{\prime }\) should not be drastically different from \(p\). The reason is that overly modifying \(p\) may significantly change the behavior of the AUT and invalidate the original assertions. As a result, we need to limit the changes from \(p\) to \(p^{\prime }\) to specific types of operations, such as replacing a sub-path in \(p\) with an alternative simple path. The paths labeled “b” and “c” in Figure 2 (corresponding to the scenarios of Figures 1(b) and 1(c)) exemplify the modified execution paths satisfying the proposed properties. In the following sections, we describe how we designed Route to integrate these properties into the generated tests.

3 Approach

Figure 3 provides an overview of Route. It takes an original test and the AUT as input and generates new tests that examine the same feature as the original test in alternative ways. There are three main components in Route: Base Path Construction, App Exploration, and Test Generation. First, Base Path Construction component executes the original test and retrieves its execution path as the base path. Next, based on the visited states in the base path, App Exploration component systematically explores the AUT and outputs the state transition diagram that represents the AUT’s runtime behavior. Finally, Test Generation component applies novel heuristics to identify and prioritize the executable tests that hold the desired properties discussed in Section 2. We describe the implementation of each component in the following subsections.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Overview of Route.

3.1 Base Path Construction

Algorithm 1 describes how Base Path Construction component executes the original test \(t\) to obtain its execution path \(p\) as the base path. As defined in Section 2, \(p\) is a 5-tuple of \(v_s\) (start state), \(v_f\) (end state), \(V_p\) (base states), \(E_p\) (edges), and \(V_o\) (oracle states). The algorithm first initializes \(E\) and \(V_o\) as an empty set and then launches the AUT. Next, it dumps the current screen of the AUT to obtain the initial state before test execution as the start state and uses it to initialize base states and the variable for previous state (lines 3–6). A dumped screen of an Android app is a widget hierarchy tree in XML format, in which non-leaf nodes are layout widgets and leaf nodes are actionable or visible widgets, such as buttons and text views. We uniquely identify a GUI state by computing a hash value over the widget hierarchy tree.
Route models GUI states by considering all the widgets and node attributes. In other words, we do not abstract away node attributes or values of text boxes, and any change in tree structure or node attribute value leads to a different state. This granularity is required, because sometimes the difference between an oracle state and its previous state is subtle, such as a change of the checked or text attribute of a node. To decrease the likelihood of dynamic content such as timestamps or ads that introduces inaccuracy in Route, we leverage virtualization when we need to revisit base states, i.e., the GUI states in the base path.
Before executing the test, a snapshot of the start state is taken (line 7). We leverage virtualization to save the visited states and later restore and explore them in App Exploration (detailed in the next subsection). In other words, the AUT is installed and executed on a virtual machine (VM) such as Android Virtual Device [20] or VirtualBox VM [39], such that the runtime program state of the AUT, including the underlying OS and emulated hardware, can be stored in a snapshot and fully resumed later. This helps improve the accuracy and performance of GUI state exploration. In prior work [5, 22, 33, 34, 45], a GUI state is resumed by restarting the AUT and replaying the recorded event sequence. However, a shortcoming of this restart-and-replay approach is that the background services and dynamic contents such as timestamps or ads may change after restarting the AUT and the GUI state cannot be reached again. Virtualization addresses this issue. Moreover, the exploration of the AUT can be accelerated, because the snapshots can be restored and processed in parallel with multiple VMs. The practice of using virtualization and snapshots is also adopted by prior work in Android testing [15].
Algorithm 1 executes the original test \(t\) after the initialization steps (line 8). For each \(event \in t\), if the event is not an assertion, then it first executes the event and then obtains \(curState\), the current GUI state after execution (lines 9–12). We subsequently update the base path in terms of the base states \(V_p\) and edges \(E_p\) and take a snapshot of this new state (lines 13–16). However, if the event is an assertion,1 then it means some checks are performed on the previous state, and we hence update the oracle states \(V_o\) with \(prevState\) (lines 17 and 18). Finally, after the execution of \(t\), the end state is updated and the base path \(p\) is returned as input to the next phase of App Exploration (lines 21–23).

3.2 App Exploration

With the base path \(p\) from the original test, App Exploration component performs k-step lookahead on each base node to obtain \(G\), an explored state transition graph of the AUT, as described in Algorithm 2. In particular, the algorithm explores if there are paths with length not greater than \(k\) from a base state \(v\) to another base state. This base-path-directed exploration restricts the possible paths that can be constructed from the graph later, such that the generated tests will not deviate too much from the base path.
Algorithm 2 first initializes \(G\), the graph to be returned, with the states and edges in the base path (line 1). Next, for each base state \(v\in V_p\), it performs initialization steps in lines 3–9. It creates a first-in-first-out \(queue\) to store the event sequences that need to be executed for exploration (line 3). To initialize the queue, it retrieves all actionable widgets from \(v\) (line 4), creates an action event, such as click, for each of them, and enqueues the generated event sequences in \(queue\) (lines 5–9). For example, the solid nodes and edges in Figure 2 depict the initial \(G\) for the test in Listing 1. Moreover, for \(v\) equal to state 2 of Figure 2, \(queue\) is initialized with three single events, which when executed result in exploration of states 3, 5, and 8.
For each event sequence \(events \in queue\), Algorithm 2 first restores the GUI state \(v\) and executes the events sequentially (lines 11–16). The executed events, as well as the encountered GUI states, are also recorded as \(subPath\), a sub-path starting from \(v\) (lines 17–21). Next, if \(curState\), then the GUI state reached after the execution is a base state, and it updates \(G\) with the traversed \(subPath\) (lines 24 and 25). Otherwise, if the length of \(events\) is smaller than the threshold \(k\), then it means we can continue exploring forward from \(v\). To that end, we retrieve all actionable widgets for \(curState\) and create \(newEvents\), a new event sequence by appending an appropriate action event such as click to each of the retrieved widgets (lines 26–29). \(newEvents\) is then enqueued in \(queue\) for further exploration (line 30). For example, for \(k=2\) and \(v\) equal to state 2 in Figure 2, subpaths \((2\rightarrow 3)\) and \((2\rightarrow 5\rightarrow 4)\) will be added to \(G\), since states 3 and 4 belong to \(V_p\). Note that some paths (explored states in Figure 2) are not added to \(G,\) because they do not visit any base states or they exceed the lookahead threshold, e.g., given \(k=3\), the path \((1\rightarrow 8\rightarrow 9\rightarrow 11\rightarrow 4)\) is not explored. After all event sequences in \(queue\) are consumed for all base states \(v\), the algorithm stops and returns \(G\) (line 35). We describe Test Generation in detail in the next section.

4 Test Generation

Test Generation component takes the base path \(p\) and the state transition graph \(G\) as input and generates \(T\), a set of executable tests with size \(n\), as described in Algorithm 3. To that end, in line 2, it retrieves all simple paths in G that (1) are from start state (\(v_s\)) to end state (\(v_f\)) and (2) visit all oracle states (\(V_o\)). We focus on the paths that satisfy these two constraints, because they are required properties for the generated tests (as discussed in Section 2). Moreover, tests with an execution path containing a cycle may include repetitive operations such as navigating back to a previous screen, and hence considered less useful. As a result, the algorithm first considers simple paths (i.e., paths without repeating states) when generating the tests.
Next, Algorithm 3 verifies the retrieved simple paths and generates executable tests from them (line 3) by calling generateTestsFromPaths function (line 9). This function first sorts the paths by their difference from the base path (line 10, detailed in the next subsection) and then launches the AUT and executes each of the prioritized paths to verify if it is executable (lines 11–13). If a candidate path \(p^{\prime }\) is executable, then it is added to \(T\) (lines 14 and 15). Note that when verifying \(p^{\prime }\), if an oracle state \(v_o \in V_o\) is encountered, then the associated assertions are also performed. That way, the generated tests include the original assertions that have passed. generateTestsFromPaths function returns when the size of \(T\) is \(n\) (line 16) or all candidate paths are verified (line 21).
If the size of \(T\) is smaller than \(n\) after checking all the simple paths, then Algorithm 3 will further retrieve the execution paths containing only one cycle (lines 4 and 5). Specifically, getCyclicPaths function in line 5 only considers the paths with a non-loop circuit (i.e., a cycle with a length larger than one) on a base state, as illustrated in Figure 4. We only allow this special case for execution paths containing cycles, because we would like to modify the base path conservatively. The retrieved paths are then verified in the same way to generate more tests (line 6). The algorithm returns when the required number of tests are generated or after checking all valid candidate paths (line 6).
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Examples of valid and invalid paths considered by getCyclicPaths() in Algorithm 3.

4.1 Computing Path Difference

With the explored state transition graph of the AUT, the number of candidate paths may grow exponentially and become too many to verify. As a result, Test Generation component prioritizes the candidate execution paths by their difference from the base path (line 10 in Algorithm 3). In other words, we compute a distance score between the base path \(p\) and each candidate path \(p^{\prime }\) with the pathDiff function in Algorithm 4. The paths with the highest distance scores are executed and verified first.
We would like to select the candidate paths that are most different from the base path, as they are more likely to exercise a feature in a different way than the existing test. To that end, we consider the difference between a candidate path and the base path at both the path level and the state level. By path level, we mean how different the two paths are in terms of their length and visited states. At the state level, we further look into the new states in the candidate path and determine the extent they are different from their preceding states.
Algorithm 4 first gets the list of states visited by \(p\) and \(p^{\prime }\) as \(L\) and \(L^ {\prime }\), respectively (lines 2 and 3). It then computes a coarse-grained score (\(d_1\)) about how different \(L\) and \(L^{\prime }\) are in terms of their edit distance (line 4). Here, we treat \(L\) and \(L^{\prime }\) as two strings and the contained state identifiers (hash values) as characters and compute their Levenshtein distance [28], i.e., the number of required edits, inserts, or deletions that converts \(L\) to \(L^{\prime }\). Next, it traverses each state \(v^{\prime }_i \in L^{\prime }\) sequentially. If \(v^{\prime }_i\) is not a base state (i.e., \(v^{\prime }_i \notin L\)), then we compute a fine-grained score to determine how different \(v^{\prime }_i\) and \(v^{\prime }_{i-1}\) (its previous state) are in terms of the edit distance between their XML representations, i.e., XML tree edit distance (line 8). This helps us estimate if the change from \(v^{\prime }_{i-1}\) to \(v^{\prime }_i\) is significant or merely incidental (such as a checkbox is selected). Finally, \(d_1\) and the averaged fine-grained score (\(d_2\)) are normalized into \([0,1]\) and a weighted sum of them is returned (line 13, with \(\alpha =0.5\) in our implementation).

5 Evaluation

We investigated the following research questions in our experimental evaluation of Route:
What is the quality of tests generated by Route? Are they for the same feature and useful?
What are the main reasons for Route failing to generate useful feature-based tests?
Is the fault detection effectiveness of the augmented test suites improved? What types of faults can Route identify?
How does the size of the augmented test suites affect their fault detection effectiveness?

5.1 Experimental Setup

Subject tests. We collected a set of feature-based UI tests from prior work in mobile app testing [12, 42, 43]. We avoided including multiple apps from the same category (e.g., two or more shopping list apps) to ensure our dataset is diverse.2In the dataset from Reference [43], most of the subject apps came with only two or three tests. We hence expanded the original test suites to have at least six test cases for each app. Moreover, we added appropriate assertions to the tests from Reference [42] that had no assertion. The tests with oracles unsupported by our current implementation of Route, such as assertions for Intent (the message object used in Android), were also excluded. Finally, we examined the subject tests to ensure each of them is written for exactly one feature. Table 1 shows the 73 subject tests in our study, including the test names, app names, and the contained GUI events and assertions. With the exception of Writeily Pro and Money Tracker, all of the other subject apps are popular (i.e., 100K+ to 50M+ installs on Google Play).
Table 1.
Table 1. Subject Tests and Experimental Results
Implementation. We implemented Route in Python for UI tests written using Appium [2], an open-source and cross-platform testing framework. Existing usage-based tests for the subject apps are written with Appiums’ Python client. The generated tests are stored in JSON format and executed by our test runner. When collecting actionable widgets from current screen (line 4 and line 27 in Algorithm 2), we considered all leaf nodes in the XML representation if the clickable attribute is true. Moreover, the current implementation only supports action click in the App Exploration component, i.e., line 7 and line 29 in Algorithm 2. We do not support system events such as pressing back or home button. Furthermore, Route does not generate text input other than the values used in the original tests.
In terms of the lookahead step in the App Exploration component, i.e., \(k\) in Algorithm 2, we conducted a pilot study to check the quality of the generated tests with different \(k\) and determined \(k=3\) to achieve a good balance between the execution time (the larger the value of \(k\), the larger the search space) and the ability to find tests that cover the same feature as in the original test but in a different way. Regarding the number of generated tests in the Test Generation component, i.e., \(n\) in Algorithm 3, we configured \(n=3,\) because in our experiments, we found that a value higher than 3 results in diminishing returns in terms of the fault detection effectiveness of generated tests and a value substantially lower than 3 sacrifices the ability to detect many defects. We evaluate and discuss how variable \(n\) influences the fault detection effectiveness of the augmented test suites as part of RQ4 in Section 5.5.
Finally, in our experiments, we used VirtualBox VM [39] with Android-x86 7.1 OS [1] installed. The experiments were conducted on a Windows laptop with 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU and 32 GB RAM. Our experimental data is publicly available [3].

5.2 RQ1: Quality of the Generated Tests

We executed Route to generate 219 new tests (with \(n=3\)) from the 73 original tests in Table 1. During the execution, App Exploration was the most time-consuming phase. On average, it took five hours to finish the exploration for an original test (with a median of 4.4 hours and a standard deviation of 3.8 hours). This is as expected, because the GUI states of the AUT (i.e., snapshots of VM) were repeatedly restored and restarted in this phase. Nevertheless, this phase can be accelerated several times by performing the exploration in parallel with multiple emulators.
To investigate whether Route is able to generate quality tests that verify the same features as the original tests, we manually examined the behavior of the 219 generated tests and categorized them into four groups.

5.2.1 Different Controllers.

In this category, the generated test performs the same task through different GUI controllers. Examples include Figures 1(b) and 1(c). Instead of the pop-up menu in the original test, these two tests reach the timetable management screen by the selection dialog and menu options in Settings, respectively. Another example is illustrated in Figure 5. In the original test, a bill is selected from the Overview screen and then deleted. Alternatively, the deletion can be achieved through the Calendar View screen, as performed in the generated test.
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Deleting a bill in Easy Bills Reminder with different controllers.

5.2.2 Different Input Data.

In this category, the generated test performs the same task through the same controllers, but with different input data. For example, Figure 6 illustrates that the task of creating a note is tested the same way in both the original and generated tests, i.e., using the same controllers. However, the created notes are different in terms of their content (i.e., input data). Figure 7 provides another example in this category. An original test depicted in Figure 7(a) views the details of a photo, but in the generated test the photo is deleted and the details of another photo are displayed (Figure 7(b)). In other words, the task of viewing photo details is performed the same way, i.e., via the same menu option, in these two tests, but the photos (input data) are different.
Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Creating a note in Writeily Pro with different input data.
Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Viewing photo details in OwnCloud with different input data.

5.2.3 Different Control Flow.

The generated test performs the same task through the same controllers and with identical input data. However, it adds additional steps to the original control flow. For instance, Figure 8(a) shows that the generated test switches from table view to list view before managing timetables. Similarly, Figure 8(b) illustrates that an additional circuit is added to the original control flow by opening and closing a dialog.
Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. Timetable management in School Planner with different control flows.

5.2.4 Deviated.

Here, the original assertions accidentally pass in the generated test, but the desired functionality is not actually performed. For example, Figure 9(a) illustrates that an original test for the page search feature in WordPress first performs a search with a keyword and then checks if a specific post title is displayed. However, as shown in Figure 9(b), one of the generated tests directly navigates to the post list screen and performs the existence check of the post title. Such a test is not considered to be performing the same task as the original test.
Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. Example deviated test in WordPress.
The number of generated tests for each category is listed in Table 2. 92% (\(201/219\)) of the tests generated by Route fall in the first three categories; these are high-quality tests that can be used to augment an existing test suite. Moreover, for 96% (\(70/73\)) of the original tests, Route was able generate at least one feature-based test. In the next research question, we further investigate why the deviated tests were generated and how the effectiveness of Route can be improved.
Table 2.
Category#Generated Tests
Different Controllers73 (33%)
Different Input Data21 (10%)
Different Control Flow107 (49%)
Deviated18 (8%)
Total219 (100%)
Table 2. Categories of Tests Generated by Route

5.3 RQ2: Analysis of Deviated Tests

In the deviated tests generated by Route, the oracles in the original tests were satisfied without performing the desired functionality. We inspected all of the deviated tests to understand the reasons behind their generation, as summarized in Table 3. As shown in Table 3, most of the deviated tests resulted from imprecise oracles. A factor contributing to imprecise oracles is duplicate widget ID. For example, in TestDelete for OwnCloud, an existence check of the TextView with ID empty_list_view is performed after deleting a file. However, this widget ID is used in multiple Activities (FileDisplayActivity and UploadListActivity), which resulted in a test that does not perform deletion but with a passed oracle. Using a unique widget ID may prevent such a situation.
Table 3.
Deviated Test
TestAddBillEasy Bills Reminder3Imprecise oracle
TestSearchEasy Bills Reminder2Imprecise oracle
TestDeleteOwnCloud2Imprecise oracle
TestSearchShopping List2Imprecise oracle
TestPageSearchWordPress1Imprecise oracle
TestDeleteNoteWriteily Pro2Replaced action
TestMoveNoteWriteily Pro3Imprecise oracle
TestSearchWriteily Pro3Imprecise oracle
Table 3. List of Deviated Tests Generated by Route
Another example of imprecise oracles is TestPageSearch for WordPress, shown in Figure 9. In this test, an oracle verifies a post titled “sour candy” to confirm the search feature works. Nevertheless, the oracle can be satisfied by directly navigating to the post list screen without a search. The same case happened when Route tried to augment TestSearch for Shopping List and Writeily Pro. To avoid this situation, test engineers may provide oracles that more precisely describe the expected program state of the AUT. For example, in addition to specific text about search results such as post title, the test can further check the screen title or Activity name to ensure that the correct screen is displayed.
Another reason for generation of deviated tests is replaced action. For instance, in TestDeleteNote for Writeily Pro, the test first deletes a note and then checks if the TextView with ID empty_hint (hint text for empty folder) appears. However, the existence check can also be satisfied by moving the note elsewhere. To address this situation, we can allow the user of Route to annotate core test steps (e.g., clicking the delete button) in the original tests. Such annotated events are then guaranteed to be included in Test Generation to ensure the generated tests are feature-based.
Although deviated tests are not as useful as other types of generated tests in augmentation of a test suite, they can be insightful for developers to improve the quality of assertions in original tests, e.g., the fact that an assertion passes on multiple screens can potentially indicate a problem with the original test.

5.4 RQ3: Fault Detection Effectiveness

To investigate whether the generated tests are advantageous in terms of fault detection effectiveness (FDE), we created mutants for the apps under test with MutApk [17], an open-source mutation testing tool for APK files. It supports 35 mutation operators designed for Android apps [30] and performs the mutation on intermediate representations of the code. We created the mutants with MutApk’s default strategy, in which both the mutation operators and locations of mutated code were picked randomly. The number of mutants created for each app is shown in Table 4.
Table 4.
App#Mutants| \(T_o\)|| \(F_o\)|| \(T_{n=3}\)|| \(F_{n=3}\)|
Astro4468 (18%)2414 (32%)
Easy Bills Reminder3276 (19%)2814 (44%)
Fuelio41713 (32%)2821 (51%)
Money Tracker3389 (27%)3215 (45%)
OwnCloud3886 (16%)3216 (42%)
School Planner3685 (14%)3211 (31%)
Shopping List3973 (8%)289 (23%)
To Do List3876 (16%)2814 (37%)
WordPress2882 (7%)328 (29%)
Writeily Pro3673 (8%)2816 (44%)
Total3657361 (17%)292138 (38%)
Table 4. Number of Mutants Generated for the Subject Apps
\(T_o\): original test suites. \(T_{n=3}\): augmented test suites. \(F_o\): mutants killed by \(T_o\). \(F_{n=3}\): mutants killed by \(T_{n=3}\).
The percentages of mutants killed by the original test suite and the augmented test suite are shown in Table 1. Note that we generated three more tests for each original test, so the size of augmented test sets is four (one original plus three generated). Table 1 shows that the fault detection effectiveness of the augmented test sets improved on 73% (\(53/73\)) of the subject tests and by up to 39% (in the case of TestCreateNote for Writeily Pro). The mean, median, and standard deviation of the FDE for the original test suites were 4.5%, 3%, and 4.9%, respectively. However, the mean, median, and standard deviation of the FDE for the augmented test suites were 13.3%, 12%, and 8.4%, respectively. In total, the augmented tests were able to kill 38% (\(138/365\)) of the mutants, while the original tests were only able to kill 17% (\(61/365\)) of them. Another perspective from each app regarding the improved fault detection effectiveness is reported in Table 4. Both perspectives indicate that the generated tests are not redundant. They covered additional parts of the AUT that the original tests missed. In other words, Route is capable of augmenting test suites to detect latent faults.
To further understand the types of faults that Route can help identify, we have listed the mutation operators used in our experiment in Table 5. Out of 21 mutation types created with the help of MutApk [17], the original test suites were able to cover 13 of them. However, the test suites augmented by Route outperformed the original suites in terms of both the types of mutants covered and the number of mutants killed. The augmented suites exclusively covered six more mutant types: InvalidKeyIntentPutExtra, InvalidSQLQuery, LengthyGUIListener, NullValueIntentPutExtra, ViewComponentNotVisible, and WrongMainActivity . Furthermore, the number of mutants killed by the augmented suites was significantly (over three times) more than the original suites for the following mutant types: ClosingNullCursor, DifferentActivityIntentDefinition, LengthyGUICreation, NullMethodCallArgument, and WrongStringResource .
Table 5.
Mutation OperatorDescription (from Reference [30])#Mutant Generated# Mutant Killed by \(T_o\)# Mutant Killed by \(T_{n=3}\)
ActivityNotDefinedDelete an activity <android:name=“Activity”/>entry in the Manifest file541421
ClosingNullCursorAssign a cursor to null before it is closed814
DifferentActivityIntentDefinitionReplace the Activity.class argument in an Intent instantiation817
FindViewByIdReturnsNullAssign a variable (returned by Activity.findViewById) to null17713
InvalidActivityPATHRandomly insert typos in the path of an activity defined in the Manifest file17714
InvalidFilePathRandomly mutate paths to files212
InvalidIDFindViewReplace the id argument in an Activitity.findViewById call281925
InvalidKeyIntentPutExtraRandomly generate a different key in an Intent.putExtra(key, value)802
InvalidLabelReplace the attribute “android:label” in the Manifest file with a random string1600
InvalidSQLQueryRandomly mutate a SQL query1106
InvalidViewFocusRandomly focus a GUI component2300
LengthyGUICreationInsert a long delay (i.e., Thread.sleep(.)) in the GUI creation thread1115
LengthyGUIListenerInsert a long delay (i.e., Thread.sleep(.)) in the GUI listener thread501
MissingPermissionManifestSelect and remove an <uses-permission />entry in the Manifest file1411
NullInputStreamAssign an input stream (e.g., reader) to null before it is closed1111
NullIntentReplace an Intent instantiation with null2238
NullMethodCallArgumentRandomly set null to a method call argument1828
NullValueIntentPutExtraReplace the value argument in an Intent.putExtra(key, value) call with new Parcelable603
ViewComponentNotVisibleSet visible attribute (from a View) to false1104
WrongMainActivityRandomly replace the main activity definition with a different activity101
WrongStringResourceSelect a <string />entry in /res/values/strings.xml file and mutate the string value74312
Table 5. Types of Generated Mutants
\(T_o\): original test suites. \(T_{n=3}\): augmented test suites.
Note that the behaviors manifested by the mutants were not necessarily app crashes. For instance, Figure 10 illustrates an alternative way found by Route to create a list in the To Do List app, which is through adding tasks in batch. Here, the mutant created with operator WrongStringResource was exclusively killed by a test generated by Route . The mutation operator modified a menu option that was clicked in one of the tests generated by Route, resulting in the test to fail when executed on the mutant app. Figure 11 depicts another example of a non-crashing failure due to a mutant created with the DifferentActivityIntentDefinition operator. In this case, Route generated a test to add a subject in the School Planner app through adding a Grade, which resulted in exclusively killing the mutant. These examples demonstrate that Route was able to generate additional tests that exposed non-crashing failures.
Fig. 10.
Fig. 10. Mutant of the To Do List app killed by the generated test to create a new list.
Fig. 11.
Fig. 11. Mutant of the School Planner app killed by the generated test to add a subject.

5.5 RQ4: Size of the Augmented Test Suites

As mentioned previously, the number of tests generated by Route can be configured by setting the variable \(n\). While expanding the test suites may improve their fault detection effectiveness (FDE), it introduces additional costs in terms of test execution and maintenance. We analyzed how the size of augmented test suites influence the FDE in our experiments and listed the results in Table 6. The results indicate that when we grew the test suites linearly, the improvement was sub-linear in terms of both the FDE and the types of covered mutation operators (CMOs). For example, when we expanded the test suites by 2 fold (from 73 tests to 146 tests, by setting \(n=1\)), the FDE improved by a factor of 1.84 (\(112/61\)). Moreover, in the case that the size of test suites was increased by 4 fold (by setting \(n=3\)), the FDE improved by a factor of 2.26 (\(138/61\)). Finally, increasing \(n\) from 2 to 3 did not improve the number of covered mutant types. We depict the normalized growth of FDE and CMOs along with the suite size in Figure 12. From this experiment, we conclude configuring Route with a value for \(n\) higher than 3 is likely to result in diminishing returns. Developers may choose to set \(n\) in between 1 and 3, depending on their desire to balance between test suite size and FDE.
Fig. 12.
Fig. 12. Normalized growth of test suite size, number of killed mutants, and number of types of covered mutation operators. \(T_o\): original test suite. \(T_{n=x}\): augmented test suite by setting \(n=x\).
Table 6.
  \(T_o\) \(T_{n=1}\) \(T_{n=2}\) \(T_{n=3}\)
Test Suite Size73146219292
#Mutant Killed61112126138
#Types Covered MutantOp13171919
Table 6. Growth of Test Suite Size, Number of Killed Mutants, and Number of Types of Covered Mutation Operators
\(T_o\): original test suite. \(T_{n=x}\): augmented test suite by setting \(n=x\).

5.6 Threats to Validity

The major external threat to validity of our results is the generalization to other subject test cases and apps. To mitigate this threat, we constructed our dataset by including different categories of apps. Another external threat to validity is using mutants in place of real faults in the experiments. Nevertheless, prior empirical study [26, 40] indicates a statistically significant correlation between mutant detection and real fault detection. Moreover, we reported the mutation operators covered by both the original and augmented test suites to provide more insights regarding what types of real bugsRoute may be good at revealing. The main internal threat to validity of the proposed approach is the possible mistakes involved in our implementation and experiments. WhenRoute identifies GUI states, dynamic content such as timestamps or ads may introduce inaccuracy, i.e., the XML layout is slightly changed but should be considered as the same screen. We leveraged virtualization to mitigate this issue and did not observe any instance of inaccuracies caused by dynamic content in our experimental results. That said, to prevent such potential inaccuracy caused by dynamic content, one can adopt more sophisticated state abstraction models such as the ones used in prior work [10, 21, 47] to determine which screens are equivalent. Moreover, we manually inspected all of our results to increase our confidence in their correctness. The experimental data is also publicly available for external inspection.

6 Related Work

6.1 Test Augmentation

Test augmentation techniques [6, 11, 13, 18, 23, 27, 35, 41, 44, 46, 49, 50] create new tests from existing ones to achieve a given engineering goal, such as improving coverage according to a criterion. Pezze et al. [41] proposed to leverage existing unit tests to construct more complex tests that focus on class interactions to reveal more faults. Yoo and Harman [49] introduced a search-based technique that can generate additional test data from existing test data to improve the input space coverage. Harder et al. [23] presented a test augmentation technique based on operational abstraction, which is a formal specification of program’s runtime behavior that can be dynamically mined. A test suite can be augmented by adding test cases until the operational abstraction stops changing. Tillmann and Schulte [46] proposed to use symbolic execution and constraint solving to help increase code coverage by finding relevant variations of existing unit tests. Similarly, Bloem et al. [13] used symbolic execution and model checking techniques to alter path conditions of existing tests and generate new tests that enter uncovered features of the program. Starting from concrete unit tests, Fraser and Zeller [18] presented an approach to generate parameterized unit tests containing symbolic pre- and post-conditions to achieve higher code coverage. To improve the mutation score of an existing test suite, Baudry et al. [11] introduced a genetic algorithm to guide the search for test cases that kill more mutants. Focusing on the context of regression testing, the work by Santelices et al. [44] adopted dependency analysis and symbolic execution to synthesize new tests with respect to the code changes not covered by existing tests. Another work considering test-suite augmentation for code changes by Kim et al. [27] leverages different test generation algorithms dynamically, since different algorithms have different strengths. Finally, Zhang and Elbaum [50] developed a solution to amplify a test suite for finding bugs in exception handling code.
Route is different from the prior work because it is for GUI tests, while all of the above augmentation techniques are for unit tests. Furthermore, Route aims to generate tests that verify the same functionality as the original tests, which is not the focus of prior work. Finally, unlike Route, none of the above-mentioned techniques target Android apps.
Our work is more related to Thor, proposed by Adamsen et al. [6]. Thor takes existing UI tests for Android apps and injects neutral event sequences to see if the original assertions still pass. Neutral event sequences are a series of operations that are not expected to affect the outcome of the injected test cases, such as rotating the phone or turning the screen off and on. Unlike Route, Thor is not able to find alternative tests for verifying the same functionality, because its goal is to simply expose the AUT to adverse conditions. In other words, Thor cannot generate the types of tests discussed in Section 5.2 in which the same functionality of the AUT is examined with different controllers, input data, or control flows.
Another work related to ours is Testilizer for web applications, proposed by Fard et al. [35]. Testilizer first infers a state flow graph from an existing web test, dynamically explores the graph, and then generates new tests from the updated graph. The goal of Testilizer is to explore new states and apply new and generic assertions learned from existing ones. In other words, the augmentation by Testilizer is not feature-based. It is also not applicable to Android apps.

6.2 Automated Test Generation for Android Apps

App crawling based on GUI hierarchy information. Many automated test generation techniques [5, 7, 8, 14, 15, 22, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 45, 48] leverage GUI hierarchy information of the AUT and apply different exploration strategies to create and execute GUI events to improve code coverage. For example, given an Android app, CrashScope [38] explores the app by dispatching randomly generated events, which can be system events or GUI events extracted from the GUI hierarchy. While we also leverage GUI hierarchy information for test generation, what distinguishes Route from prior work, including CrashScope, is that our exploration strategy is directed by existing test suites to achieve feature-based augmentation. Note that Route is not another record-and-replay tool, such as Reference [24], because our goal is not to faithfully replay existing tests, but to diverge from them in a manner that allows us to meaningfully examine the same features.
Systematic testing. To perform systematic testing of Android apps, prior work [8, 9, 19, 25, 37] used techniques such as targeted event sequence generation and symbolic execution. Tanzirul and Neamtiu proposed A3E [9], an app crawler that aims to increase app coverage (Activity and method coverage) by prioritizing events that lead to undiscovered states in the app. Mirzaei et al. [37] and Anand et al. [8] introduced concolic testing in Android to automatically explore obscured parts of an app by finding proper events and contextual settings. Jensen et al. [25] introduced a two-phase technique (generating event-handler summaries and concolic testing) that produce backward event sequences from a target line of code to the entry point of the app. Xiang et al. [19] tried to address the environmental challenges of symbolic execution in the presence of various Android SDKs and libraries by deducing a representation of libraries on-the-fly.
Similarly, Route tries to find an event sequence to reach a specific part of the app. However, unlike the above tools, our goal is not to increase the code coverage by reaching unexplored parts of an app. In contrast, we try to find a new path covering the already visited states in existing test cases through different sequence of events. In addition, previous tools primarily focus on achieving certain objectives at the source-code level (i.e., to reach specific lines of code), while Route focuses on covering the same behavior and feature as the original test (i.e., to find a path that covers the terminal and oracle GUI states). Finally, it is worth noting that symbolic execution can be used as a complementary approach together with Route to find proper input values to increase the exploration performance.

7 Conclusion

There are often several ways of invoking the core features of an app. Due to the manual effort of writing tests, developers tend to consider only the typical way of invoking a feature when creating the tests. However, the alternative ways of invoking a feature are as likely to be faulty, which would go undetected without proper tests. This article presented Route, an automated tool for feature-based UI test augmentation for Android apps. Route creates high-quality tests, consisting of both inputs and assertions, to verify the features tested by existing tests in alternative ways. Route relies on several novel heuristics to guide the search for new tests and leverages virtualization technology to save the visited UI states, such that the states can be fully restored later for exploration.
Experimental results using real-world subjects have demonstrated the effectiveness of Route, as it successfully generated alternative tests for 96% of the existing test cases in our experiments. Moreover, the fault detection effectiveness of augmented test suites in our experiments showed substantial improvements of up to 39% over the original test suites.
In our future work, we aim to investigate the applicability of techniques described here in other computing domains (e.g., web applications) and other testing paradigms (e.g., unit tests). Moreover, we plan to conduct sensitivity analysis to discuss the tradeoff between the performance and fault detection ability of Route with larger lookahead steps and the support of system events in the app exploration phase. Finally, we plan to develop an adapter that translates the JSON-formatted outputs to executable tests in a programming language such as Java and conduct user studies with practitioners to validate the utility of tests generated using Route in practice.


We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers of this article for their detailed feedback, which helped us improve the work.


The assertions considered in this article are UI-based assertions, such as checking the existence of widget or text, or verifying the attributes of a widget.
The package, version, and category of subject apps can be found on the project website [3].


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cover image ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology  Volume 32, Issue 3
May 2023
937 pages
  • Editor:
  • Mauro Pezzè
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 26 April 2023
Online AM: 19 November 2022
Accepted: 12 October 2022
Revised: 31 July 2022
Received: 04 December 2021
Published in TOSEM Volume 32, Issue 3


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