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Validating the Redundancy Assumption for HDL from Code Clone's Perspective

Published: 26 March 2023 Publication History


Automated program repair (APR) is being leveraged in hardware description languages (HDLs) to fix hardware bugs without human involvement. Most existing APR techniques search for donor code (i.e., code fragment for bug fixing) in the original program to generate repairs, which is based on the assumption that donor code can be found in existing source code. The redundancy assumption is the fundamental basis of most APR techniques, which has been widely studied in software by searching code clones of donor code. However, despite a large body of work on code clone detection, researchers have focused almost exclusively on repositories in traditional programming languages, such as C/C++ and Java, while few studies have been done on detecting code clones in HDLs. Furthermore, little attention has been paid on the repetitiveness of bug fixes in hardware designs, which limits automatic repair targeting HDLs. To validate the redundancy assumption for HDL, we perform an empirical study on code clones of real-world bug fixes in Verilog. On top of empirical results, we find that 17.71% of newly introduced code in bug fixes can be found from the clone pairs of buggy code in the original program, and 11.77% can be found in the file itself. The findings not only validate the assumption but also provides helpful insights for the design of APR targeting HDLs.


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ISPD '23: Proceedings of the 2023 International Symposium on Physical Design
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Published: 26 March 2023


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  1. automated program repair
  2. code clone
  3. empirical study
  4. hardware description languages


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