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Quo Vadis: Hybrid Machine Learning Meta-Model Based on Contextual and Behavioral Malware Representations

Published: 07 November 2022 Publication History


We propose a hybrid machine learning architecture that simultaneously employs multiple deep learning models analyzing contextual and behavioral characteristics of Windows portable executable, producing a final prediction based on a decision from the meta-model. The detection heuristic in contemporary machine learning Windows malware classifiers is typically based on the static properties of the sample since dynamic analysis through virtualization is challenging for vast quantities of samples. To surpass this limitation, we employ a Windows kernel emulation that allows the acquisition of behavioral patterns across large corpora with minimal temporal and computational costs. We partner with a security vendor for a collection of more than 100k int-the-wild samples that resemble the contemporary threat landscape, containing raw PE files and filepaths of applications at the moment of execution. The acquired dataset is at least ten folds larger than reported in related works on behavioral malware analysis. Files in the training dataset are labeled by a professional threat intelligence team, utilizing manual and automated reverse engineering tools. We estimate the hybrid classifier's operational utility by collecting an out-of-sample test set three months later from the acquisition of the training set. We report an improved detection rate, above the capabilities of the current state-of-the-art model, especially under low false-positive requirements. Additionally, we uncover a meta-model's ability to identify malicious activity in both validation and test sets even if none of the individual models express enough confidence to mark the sample as malevolent. We conclude that the meta-model can learn patterns typical to malicious samples out of representation combinations produced by different analysis techniques. Furthermore, we publicly release pre-trained models and anonymized dataset of emulation reports.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (aisec22-213.mp4)
In this video, we present the architecture of the hybrid machine learning (ML) solution for a malware classification task. We outline the problems with ML solutions based on static features and discuss the necessity to additionally perform a contextual and dynamic analysis. The dataset structure is examined to delineate the scope of model generalization and set boundaries for its utility. We cover the evaluation of the model's performance on an out-of-sample test set, collected three months after the collection of the training set. An analysis is done as detection rates under fixed false positive rates, and conclusions are provided. Furthermore, adversarial robustness is discussed with trials based on malware generated with section injection attack. Finally, we outline ideas for future work and discuss the public release of the emulation dataset.


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AISec'22: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security
November 2022
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Published: 07 November 2022


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