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Neural Subgraph Counting with Wasserstein Estimator

Published: 11 June 2022 Publication History


Subgraph counting is a fundamental graph analysis task which has been widely used in many applications. As the problem of subgraph counting is NP-complete and hence intractable, approximate solutions have been widely studied, which fail to work with large and complex query graphs. Alternatively, Machine Learning techniques have been recently applied for this problem, yet the existing ML approaches either only support very small data graphs or cannot make full use of the data graph information, which inherently limits their scalability, estimation accuracies and robustness.
In this paper, we propose a novel approximate subgraph counting algorithm, NeurSC, that can exploit and combine information from both the query graphs and the data graphs effectively and efficiently. It consists of two components: (1) an extraction module that adaptively generates simple yet representative substructures from data graph for each query graph and (2) an estimator WEst that first computes the representations from individual and joint distributions of query and data graphs and then estimates subgraph counts with the learned representations. Furthermore, we design a novel Wasserstein discriminator in WEst to minimize the Wasserstein distance between query and data graphs by updating the parameters in network with the vertex correspondence relationship between query and data graphs. By doing this, WEst can better capture the correlation between query and data graphs which is essential to the quality of the estimation. We conduct experimental studies on seven large real-life labeled graphs to demonstrate the superior performance of NeurSC in terms of estimation accuracy and robustness.


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