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Dynamic Decals: Pervasive Freeform Interfaces Using Constrained Deformable Graphical Elements

Published: 05 November 2021 Publication History


Pervasive interfaces can present relevant information anywhere in our environment, and they are thus challenged by the non rectilinearity of the display surface (e.g. circular table) and by the presence of objects that can partially occlude the interface (e.g. a book or cup on the table). To tackle this problem, we propose a novel solution based on two core contributions: the decomposition of the interface into deformable graphical units, called Dynamic Decals, and the control of their position and behaviour by a constraint-based approach. Our approach dynamically deforms the interface when needed while minimizing the impact on its visibility and layout properties. To do so, we extend previous work on implicit deformations to propose and experimentally validate functions defining different decal shapes and new deformers modeling decal deformations when they collide. Then, we interactively optimize the decal placements according to the interface geometry and their interrelations. Relations are modeled as constraints and the interface evolution results from an easy and efficient to solve minimization problem. Our approach is validated by a user study showing that, compared to two baselines, Dynamic decals is an aesthetically pleasant interface that preserves visibility, layout and aesthetic properties.

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  1. Dynamic Decals: Pervasive Freeform Interfaces Using Constrained Deformable Graphical Elements



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    Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 5, Issue ISS
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