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UiLab, a Workbench for Conducting and Reproducing Experiments in GUI Visual Design

Published: 29 May 2021 Publication History


With the continuously increasing number and variety of devices, the study of visual design of their Graphical User Interfaces grows in importance and scope, particularly for new devices, including smartphones, tablets, and large screens. Conducting a visual design experiment typically requires defining and building a GUI dataset with different resolutions for different devices, computing visual design measures for the various configurations, and analyzing their results. This workflow is very time- and resource-consuming, therefore limiting its reproducibility. To address this problem, we present UiLab, a cloud-based workbench that parameterizes the settings for conducting an experiment on visual design of Graphical User Interfaces, for facilitating the design of such experiments by automating some workflow stages, and for fostering their reproduction by automating their deployment. Based on requirements elicited for UiLab, we define its conceptual model to delineate the borders of services of the software architecture to support the new workflow. We exemplify it by demonstrating a system walkthrough and we assess its impact on experiment reproducibility in terms of design and development time saved with respect to a classical workflow. Finally, we discuss potential benefits brought by this workbench with respect to reproducing experiments in GUI visual design and existing shortcomings to initiate future avenues. We publicly release UiLab source code on a GitHub repository.


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Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 5, Issue EICS
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