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CoNotate: Suggesting Queries Based on Notes Promotes Knowledge Discovery

Published: 07 May 2021 Publication History


When exploring a new domain through web search, people often struggle to articulate queries because they lack domain-specific language and well-defined informational goals. Perhaps search tools rely too much on the query to understand what a searcher wants. Towards expanding this contextual understanding of a user during exploratory search, we introduce a novel system, CoNotate, which offers query suggestions based on analyzing the searcher’s notes and previous searches for patterns and gaps in information. To evaluate this approach, we conducted a within-subjects study where participants (n=38) conducted exploratory searches using a baseline system (standard web search) and the CoNotate system. The CoNotate approach helped searchers issue significantly more queries, and discover more terminology than standard web search. This work demonstrates how search can leverage user-generated content to help people get started when exploring complex, multi-faceted information spaces.


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