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Settling SETH vs. approximate sparse directed unweighted diameter (up to (NU)NSETH)

Published: 15 June 2021 Publication History


We prove several tight results on the fine-grained complexity of approximating the diameter of a graph. First, we prove that, for any ε>0, assuming the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH), there are no near-linear time 2−ε-approximation algorithms for the Diameter of a sparse directed graph, even in unweighted graphs. This result shows that a simple near-linear time 2-approximation algorithm for Diameter is optimal under SETH, answering a question from a survey of Rubinstein and Vassilevska-Williams (SIGACT ’19) for the case of directed graphs.
In the same survey, Rubinstein and Vassilevska-Williams also asked if it is possible to show that there are no 2−ε approximation algorithms for Diameter in a directed graph in O(n1.499) time. We show that, assuming a hypothesis called NSETH, one cannot use a deterministic SETH-based reduction to rule out the existence of such algorithms.
Extending the techniques in these two results, we characterize whether a 2−ε approximation algorithm running in time O(n1+δ) for the Diameter of a sparse directed unweighted graph can be ruled out by a deterministic SETH-based reduction for every δ∈(0,1) and essentially every ε∈(0,1), assuming NSETH. This settles the SETH-hardness of approximating the diameter of sparse directed unweighted graphs for deterministic reductions, up to NSETH. We make the same characterization for randomized SETH-based reductions, assuming another hypothesis called NUNSETH.
We prove additional hardness and non-reducibility results for undirected graphs.


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STOC 2021: Proceedings of the 53rd Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 15 June 2021


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  1. Fine-Grained Complexity
  2. Graph Diameter
  3. Hopset
  4. Non-deterministic Algorithm
  5. Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis


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