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Dependence-aware, unbounded sound predictive race detection

Published: 10 October 2019 Publication History

Editorial Notes

A corrigendum was issued for this paper on June 10, 2021. You can download the corrigendum from the supplemental material section of this citation page.


Data races are a real problem for parallel software, yet hard to detect. Sound predictive analysis observes a program execution and detects data races that exist in some other, unobserved execution. However, existing predictive analyses miss races because they do not scale to full program executions or do not precisely incorporate data and control dependence.
This paper introduces two novel, sound predictive approaches that incorporate data and control dependence and handle full program executions. An evaluation using real, large Java programs shows that these approaches detect more data races than the closest related approaches, thus advancing the state of the art in sound predictive race detection.

Supplementary Material

3360605-corrigendum (3360605-corrigendum.pdf)
Corrigendum to "Dependence-aware, unbounded sound predictive race detection" by Genc et al., Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 3, Issue OOPSLA (PACMPL 3:OOPSLA).
a179-genc (a179-genc.webm)
Presentation at OOPSLA '19


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Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages  Volume 3, Issue OOPSLA
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Published: 10 October 2019
Published in PACMPL Volume 3, Issue OOPSLA


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